• Define a minimum metadata standard for Utah ✔️
  • Recommend the use of UGRC’s geocoding and address validation tool as a starting point for new projects
  • Provide guidelines for AGOL tags
  • Create a data maturity assessment checklist
  • Create a statewide directory of GIS professionals/contacts
  • Create a GISAC page as part of ✔️
  • Create a list of GIS software and hardware for each agency
  • Create an executive summary of what GISAC is and does
  • Create a document that describes how GIS helps run the business of government. In other words, stories of how GIS streamlines business processes for the agencies we represent.
  • Create an index of IT and GIS widgets available to all or at least implemented and proven successful (i.e. repeatable)

Be Known, Be Found, Be Seen

As a part of our effort to build a statewide directory of GIS professionals we have created a form to collect your information. Please register to become a part of this public GIS professional directory.

Share Your Skills and Experience

To best understand and document the skills and experiences of Utah GIS professionals, GISAC has created a form1 to aid the creation of an inventory of technical GIS-related products, including software, hardware, SaaS, and PaaS, that agencies have or are using. With the data collected through the form, GISAC can help spread relevant information to assist decision-makers when they are building or deploying GIS solutions. Please complete the form1 to help create this resource.

Stay Informed

The GISAC Utah Public Notice website is the resource to stay connected and informed of future meeting schedules and past meeting notes and other resources. We encourage you to sign up for email notifications.

  1. This form is password protected and only available to UtahID account holders.  2