The annual Utah Geographic Information Council (UGIC) Conference was held May 9-13, 2016 in Bryce Canyon, Utah. The conference had over 200 attendees and over 60 breakouts. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make the conference a success!

Congratulations to the map gallery winners: Aaron Pulver, Ran Wei, and Clay Mann (Student Map/Poster), Jonny Jew (Professional Map), Stan McShinsky (Online Map/App), and Christopher Lant, Timothy Stoebner, Justin School, and Benhamin Crabbe (Professional Poster). And congratulations to Andrea Roskelley for winning iron cartographer!

You can find the winning maps, as well as other pictures and information on twitter using the hash tag #UGIC2016.

Visit to keep up on UGIC news and sign up for the mailing list. Next year’s conference will be held in Park City, Utah.

Where in Utah 2016 Quiz?

2016 Where in Utah Quiz?
2016 Where in Utah Quiz?

UGRC’s latest Where in Utah Quiz for the UGIC brochure was a hit, albeit a tad more challenging this year. Test your own Utah geography skills by determining where the locations on the quiz are. If you are stumped or want to check your answers, here is the key: 2016 Where in Utah Answer Key, warning, spoilers!