UGRC is planning to upgrade the mapserv ArcGIS Server system to version 10.6.1 within the next few weeks. For the majority of our users, we do not expect any issues, as most services are being migrated as is. However, if you are consuming image services, a migration is necessary since the image services will no longer be offered. Please share this article with anyone who may be affected by this change.

UGRC Is Deprecating the Image Services on

In preparation for the ArcGIS Server upgrade and the necessary image service migration, UGRC is planning a brownout of the image services from Saturday, January 5, through Thursday, January 10. On Saturday, January 5, UGRC will temporarily brownout (i.e., stop) all of the image services on mapserv to simulate the future deprecation. The image services will then be started up again on the evening of January 10 to avoid further downtime for those not fully migrated.

The brownout plan reference number in the Utah Change Management System is CHG0019078.

UGRC hopes that after reading this article, users of image services will draft and execute migration plans in preparation for the future deprecation. Then in January users can test for a successful migration during the brownout and learn whether more migration steps are required. Please note that the image services are not being deprecated during the brownout but will be deprecated when the entire system is upgraded. We will post the exact date of the entire system upgrade as soon as we finalize our plans. If you notice any issues after the upgrade or have any questions about the brownout, please let Matt Peters from UGRC at know so that we can address them as soon as possible.

Migration Options

1. Local Mosaic Datasets

The source data for the image services on is available for download from This data allows for the creation of local mosaic datasets for visualization and analysis. Choose this option if you require advanced analysis of raster data.

2. Discover Services

The Discover services provided by UGRC intersect the image services. There is not a complete one-to-one mapping, as you will see in the table below, but coverage is adequate and Discover has many more services not offered as image services. Since the majority of consumers of the image services use them for reference and not advanced image analysis, histogram stretching, etc., the Discover services will provide a better end user experience. The prerendered tiles will be much faster than the on-the-fly processing from the image services.

Below is a table of services that will be removed during the software upgrade. The second column is the closest equivalent Discover service.

Services Marked for Deprecation

Deprecated Mapserv Service Discover Alternative
AerialPhotography_BlackWhite/DOQ1990s_1Meter DOQ 1990s BW
AerialPhotography_BlackWhite/SCS_HistoricalImagery N/A
AerialPhotography_Color/HRO2006_Color1Foot N/A
AerialPhotography_Color/HRO2009_Color1Foot N/A
AerialPhotography_Color/HRO2009_WestJordan_Color6Inch N/A
AerialPhotography_Color/HRO2012_UintahBasin_Color1Foot N/A
AerialPhotography_Color/HRO2012Color6Inch_4Band HRO 2012 RGB
AerialPhotography_Color/NAIP2004_Color1Meter N/A
AerialPhotography_Color/NAIP2006_Color1Meter NAIP 2006 RGB & NAIP 2006 NRG
AerialPhotography_Color/NAIP2009_Color1Meter_4Band NAIP 2009 RGB
AerialPhotography_Color/NAIP2011_Color1Meter_4Band NAIP 2011 RGB & NAIP 2011 NRG
AerialPhotography_Color/NAIP2014_Color1Meter_4Band NAIP 2014 RGB & NAIP 2014 NRG
AerialPhotography_Color/NAIP2016_Color1Meter_4Band NAIP 2016 RGB & NAIP 2016 NRG
AerialPhotography_Color/UAO2003_Color1Foot N/A
AerialPhotography_InfraRed/NAIP2006CIR_Color1Meter NAIP 2006 NRG
Elevation/Hillshade_10Meter4way Hillshade
Elevation/Hillshade_1MeterLidar N/A
Elevation/Lidar2013_2014_DSM_Hillshade N/A
Elevation/Lidar2013_2014_DSM_ShadedRelief N/A
Elevation/Lidar2013_2014_DSM_Slope N/A
Elevation/Lidar2013_2014_DSM N/A
Elevation/Lidar2013_2014_DTM_Hillshade N/A
Elevation/Lidar2013_2014_DTM_ShadedRelief N/A
Elevation/Lidar2013_2014_DTM_Slope N/A
Elevation/Lidar2013_2014_DTM N/A
ScannedMaps/UGS_Geologic_100K N/A
ScannedMaps/UGS_Geologic_24K N/A
ScannedMaps/USGSTopographic_100K Basemap-Topo
ScannedMaps/USGSTopographic_24K Basemap-Topo
ScannedMaps/USGSTopographic_250K Basemap-Topo
ScannedMaps/USGSTopographic_500K Basemap-Topo
ScannedMaps/USGSVintageTopographic_125K N/A
ScannedMaps/USGSVintageTopographic_62K N/A
ScannedMaps/UtahLandForms N/A