Address Locator
Concept of an Address Locator

Download Address Locators

Address Locators

  • Category: Address
  • Data Type: Geolocators
  • Steward(s): UGRC
  • Web Application: View
  • Abstract: Adding a geographic point for an address is a fundamental GIS task. To handle this task, UGRC has created many services and tools to cater to the wide geocoding user base. Starting from the ground up, UGRC helps maintain statewide address points and roads datasets. These two datasets are the foundation for geocoding. Building on top of the reference data, UGRC creates and maintains ArcGIS Locators. Locators are where most of the magic happens - taking the input data and finding a location from the reference data. These locators are available for download on this page. With the reference data and the locators blocks in place, UGRC can put together geocoding systems and tools. The UGRC WebAPI is a web service that can geocode over the web via http. Users can send requests via their favorite programming language, application, or web browser. This service has some magic to get the best results out of user input and is the recommended way to geocode addresses. UGRC also provide pre-built clients to use the Web API that can be downloaded below. UGRC hopes to have the data and tools ready for your needs to geocode.


The UGRC Web API is an http enabeled service for accessing (via the internet) the geospatial data that we store in the State Geographic Information Database (SGID). The endpoints provided by the API are a great way to add geospatial functionality to your web pages and applications or desktop workflows. You will be able to geocode addresses and search all the data in the SGID. To get started, read the getting started guide. There are also examples of geocoding in multiple programming languages.

Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Steve Gourley from UGRC at or the Github repository.

Geocoding Toolbox

This custom toolbox created by the UGRC allows ArcGIS users to geocode a table of addresses. The geocoding tool makes use of the UGRC Web API to perform the geocoding. A complimentary API key will need to be obtained to run the tool.

The tool's documentation is maintained in GitHub. Please refer to the readme for the most current information on downloading and running the tool. ArcGIS Desktop versions of this tool can be found in the py-2 branch.

We've put together a how-to video explaining the basics of using the toolbox.

Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Scott Davis from UGRC at or the Github repository.

  • May 2020, Most of the code was modernized and rewritten
  • March 2020, The ArcGIS Pro tool was promoted to master
  • January 2014, The ArcGIS Desktop tool was created

Roads Address Locator

Address Locator AGRC_RoadsLocator is an ArcGIS 10 address locator that references the statewide Transportation.Roads feature class and uses the right and left zip code fields and/or the right and left address systems fields for zone. This address locator is built using an alternate names table, as recommended in NextGen 911 model. For example, Redwood Road is aliased as both Highway 68 and 1700 West. Read more about the underlying data for this locator and how it was created.

Locator Packages are not supported in ArcGIS 10.0 or earlier

The .gcpk packages are portable files that do not require the reference data: what is required of the data is included in the packaged. Once downloaded, Unpack the package and it is ready for use. You can Unpack the Locator Package in ArcCatalog by right-clicking on the package. Unpacking will always place the unpacked locator in your user profile ..\My Documents\ArcGIS\Packages. Alternately, you can use ESRI's Extract Package tool and specify an output location. You can also drag the .gcpk file into ArcMap and it will unpack automatically.

Related Resources
  • View recent updates to the SGID Statewide Roads dataset.
  • Download the File Geodatabase (to build your own locator) that was used to build this address locator. The dataset contains the roads' alternate names table as well as the SGID-derived roads feature class. This table can be joined back to the GeocodeRoads feature class via the GLOBALID_SGID field.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Greg Bunce from UGRC at or 801-349-0039.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Updates coincide with SGID Transportation.Roads update. Updates to the Roads are published every month, with approximately nine counties receiving detailed review during each update cycle.

Address Points Address Locator

Address Locator AGRC_AddressPointLocator is an ArcGIS 10 address locator that references the statewide Location.AddressPoints feature class and uses zip code and/or address system for zone. Geocoding match rates will improve as the Location.AddressPoints feature class continues to be developed.

Locator Packages are not supported in ArcGIS 10.0 or earlier

The .gcpk packages are portable files that do not require the reference data: what is required of the data is included in the packaged. Once downloaded, Unpack the package and it is ready for use. You can Unpack the Locator Package in ArcCatalog by right-clicking on the package. Unpacking will always place the unpacked locator in your user profile ..\My Documents\ArcGIS\Packages. Alternately, you can use ESRI's Extract Package tool and specify an output location. You can also drag the .gcpk file into ArcMap and it will unpack automatically.

Related Resources
  • Download the File Geodatabase (to build your own locator), which contains the address points' alternate names table used to build this address locator. This table can be joined back to the SgidAddrPnts feature class via the UTAddPtID field.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Greg Bunce from UGRC at or 801-349-0039.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Updates coincide with SGID Location.AddressPoints updates. Updates to the Address Points are published every month.

Composite Address Locator

Address Locator AGRC_CompositeLocator is an ArcGIS 10 composite address locator built from the AGRC_AddressPointLocator and the AGRC_RoadsLocator locators and uses zip code and/or address system for zone. These locators reference the Transportation.Roads and Location.AddressPoints feature classes.

Locator Packages are not supported in ArcGIS 10.0 or earlier

The .gcpk packages are portable files that do not require the reference data: what is required of the data is included in the packaged. Once downloaded, Unpack the package and it is ready for use. You can Unpack the Locator Package in ArcCatalog by right-clicking on the package. Unpacking will always place the unpacked locator in your user profile ..\My Documents\ArcGIS\Packages. Alternately, you can use ESRI's Extract Package tool and specify an output location. You can also drag the .gcpk file into ArcMap and it will unpack automatically.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Greg Bunce from UGRC at or 801-349-0039.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Updates to this composite locator coincide with the Roads and Address Points address locators.