USGS 3DEP Elevation Products


The USGS 3DEP elevation products from The National Map are the primary elevation datasets available from the USGS. These elevation products are continually updated by the USGS with LiDAR collected through the 3DEP program as part of the National Enhanced Elevation Assessment. Imagery services of these elevation products are also available.

Want to determine where lidar information was used to update 5, 10, and 30 meter USGS DEM products? There are spatial metadata files for each elevation product that have polygons depicting what the source data is for the DEM in that area. They can be found on the 3DEP Product Metadata page. Links to the spatial metadata files for 5 meter, 1/3 Arc-Second (10 meter), and 1 Arc-Second (30 meter) can be found under “Standard DEMs”. The data dictionary that describes each attribute and their domains is also available from the 3DEP Spatial Metadata Glossery. PMETHOD (Production Method) is the attribute you are looking for and any polygon with a PMETHOD value of 7 has lidar as it’s source. If you need further assistance please contact the National Map Help Desk from USGS at

The UGRC has a statewide collection of the 10 and 30 meter bare-earth DEMs. This dataset was reprojected to UTM NAD83 Zone12 meters. The vertical datum is NAVD88. The boundaries of the elevation models can be viewed in the 10 meter and 30 meter tile index shapefiles.

For information about working with elevation data in the Pro/ArcMap environment take a look at Working with Mosaic and Reference Datasets.

Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Rick Kelson from UGRC at

  • January 2018



Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) elevation data is an optical remote sensing technology that can measure the distance to, or other properties of, a target by illuminating the target with light often using pulses from a laser. Currently this is the most accurate elevation dataset UGRC has but it is only available for some areas of the state. In addition to the bare-earth DEMs/DTMs and first-return DSMs, LAS point clouds are available from The National Map or by request from Rick Kelson from UGRC at For more information about LiDAR visit Exploring LiDAR.

UGRC has partnered with various agencies over the years to acquire the following LiDAR datasets. Visit to explore all available LiDAR collections.

Year Resolution Areas Information
2020 1 meter Central & Southern Utah View
2020 .5 & 1 meter Northern & Central Utah View
2020 .5 & 1 meter Southern Utah View
2019 1 meter Kane County View
2019 .5 meter Strawberry River View
2018 .5 & 1 meter Uintah Basin and Heber Valley View
2018 .5 meter Box Elder County View
2018 .5 & 1 meter Northern Utah View
2018 .5 & 1 meter Central Utah View
2018 .5 & 1 meter Southern Utah View
2018 .5 meter Sanpete Valley View
2017 .5 meter Millsite Reservoir View
2017 .5 meter Washakie and Whites Valley View
2017 1 meter Washington County View
2016 .5 meter Kanab Utah View
2016 .5 meter Bear Lake, Bear River, Cache Valley & Upper Weber Valley View
2016 .5 & 1 meter Great Salt Lake & Utah Lake View
2016 .5 meter Monroe Mountain View
2016 .5 meter FORGE View
2015 .5 meter Colorado, Green & Yampa Rivers View
2015 .5 & 1 meter Zion National Park View
2013-2014 .5 meter Wasatch Front and the Wasatch Fault View
2011 1 meter Great Salt Lake, Cedar Valley, Hurricane Fault View
2006 1 meter Wasatch Front, Iron County, Heber Valley View
Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Rick Kelson from UGRC at

Auto-Correlated DEM


UGRC has a statewide coverage of 5 meter Auto-Correlated DEMs in addition to some 2 meter areas. The DEMs were created from the imagery collected during the 2006 NAIP and HRO aerial photography flights. The auto-correlation process is not as rigorous as other methods of elevation modeling such as photogrammetry, lidar mapping, radar mapping, etc, and therefore end-users should be aware that anomalies are expected within the elevation dataset. In comparison to the USGS DEM datasets, the 2 and 5-meter DEMs in some areas provides higher resolution and horizontal accuracy but anomalies are present within the data.

The DEM files are stored as .asc formatted files and are ~10MB per 2,000 X 2,000 meter block. This data is in a UTM NAD83 meters projection. The 2 meter DEMs have a Vertical Accuracy of RMSE 4.27' - NSSDA 95% 8.4' and a Horizontal Accuracy NSSDA, radial RMSE of 4.4', 95% confidence 7.6'. The 5 meter DEMs have a have a Vertical Accuracy of RMSE 4m - NSSDA 95% of 9.8m and a Horizontal Accuracy RMSE 3m, NSSDA 95% of 5.2m. For more information about the stated accuracy of the datasets please refer to the metadata and quality assurance reports below.

2 meter DEM
5 meter DEM
Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Rick Kelson from UGRC at