Oil and Gas Wells
Oil and Gas Wells

Oil and Gas

  • Category: Energy
  • Data Type: GIS Data Layer
  • Steward(s): UGRC & DNR-OGM
  • Web Application: View
  • Abstract: These datasets depict oil and gas well surface points, units and fields polygons from the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Oil, Gas and Mining Division. This data was developed by contractors sponsored in part by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Ground Water Protection Council and provides the opportunity for the Division to collect more descriptive down-hole information for each wellbore permitted and drilled. Initially, much of the down-hole information will not be available because there was no place to save it in the previous databases. Eventually, as new wells are drilled and old legacy data is entered, more descriptive data will become available for the wells in Utah.

Oil and Gas Wells

Oil Wells

This dataset depicts oil and gas well points in Utah from the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Oil Gas and Mining Division. The dataset contains the API code, well and company name, account number, filed number, field name, elevation, locations coordinates, lease numbers, well type and status, total cumulative oil, gas and water, and more.

Well Status Code Description
NEW New Application for Permit to Drill (APD), Deepen, or Re-enter - received but not yet approved.
RET New Application for Permit to Drill (APD), Deepen, or Re-enter - Returned UNAPPROVED.
APD Approved Permit to Drill, Deepen, or Re-enter.
LA Location Abandoned - Approved Permit to Drill (APD) for a NEW well - Rescinded - no site disturbance.
CP Cancelled Permit - Approved Permit to Deepen or Re-enter (APD) an EXISTING well.
DRL Well Spudded and/or currently Drilling.
OPS Drilling Operations Suspended - spudded, but no drilling activity for an extended period - well not yet completed.
P Producing oil or gas well (OW, GW).
S Shut-in oil or gas well (OW, GW).
PAI Producing oil or gas zone or lateral AND Active Injection zone or lateral (well types: OWI, GWI, OGI, GGI, GWD).
PII Producing oil or gas zone or lateral AND Inactive Injection zone or lateral (well types: OWI, GWI, OGI, GGI, GWD).
SAI Shut-in oil or gas zone or lateral AND Active Injection zone or lateral (well types: OWI, GWI, OGI, GGI, GWD).
SII Shut-in oil or gas zone or lateral AND Inactive Injection zone or lateral (well types: OWI, GWI, OGI, GGI, GWD).
TA Temporarily-Abandoned oil or gas well.
A Active service well (well types: WI, WD, GI, GS, WS, TW).
I Inactive service well (well types: WI, WD, GI, GS, WS, TW).
PA Any well or construct permanently Plugged and Abandoned.
Well Type Code Description
OW Oil well - capable of producing oil in substantial quantities.
GW Natural Gas well - capable of producing natural gas in substantial quantities and is not an oil well.
OGW Combined Oil and Gas well - producing oil from one lateral or zone and gas from another.
CBM Coalbed Methane well - a gas well that produces from coalbeds and rock strata associated with coalbed.
CO2 Carbon Dioxide well.
HE Helium well.
OWI Oil Well/Water Injection Well (capable of alternating functions in a single wellbore OR capable of producing in one well bore while injecting in another bore). Well is to be reported on both Form 10, Monthly Production Report and UIC Form 2, Monthly Report of Enhanced Recovery Project with appropriate statuses.
GWI Gas Well/Water Injection Well (capable of alternating functions in a single wellbore OR capable of producing in one well bore while injecting in another bore). Well is to be reported on both Form 10, Monthly Production Report and UIC Form 2, Monthly Report of Enhanced Recovery Project with appropriate statuses.
OGI Oil Well/Gas Injection Well (capable of alternating functions in a single wellbore OR capable of producing in one well bore while injecting in another bore). Well is to be reported on both Form 10, Monthly Production Report and UIC Form 2, Monthly Report of Enhanced Recovery Project with appropriate statuses.
GGI Gas Well/Gas Injection Well (capable of alternating functions in a single wellbore OR capable of producing in one well bore while injecting in another bore). Well is to be reported on both Form 10, Monthly Production Report and UIC Form 2, Monthly Report of Enhanced Recovery Project with appropriate statuses.
GWD Gas Well/Water Disposal Well (capable of alternating functions in a single wellbore OR capable of producing in one well bore while injecting in another bore). Well is to be reported on both Form 10, Monthly Production Report and UIC Form 3, Monthly Injection Report with appropriate statuses.
WI Water Injection well (service well).
WD Water Disposal well (service well).
GI Gas Injection well (service well).
GS Gas Storage well (service well).
WS Water Source well (service well).
TW Test Well (service well - strat test, core test, monitor well, etc.).
D Dry Hole (well never produced oil or natural gas in paying quantities).
NA Well Type Not Available or known (old PA wells).

There are no constraints or warranties with regard to the use of this dataset.

Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Don Staley from DNR at DonStaley@utah.gov.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah Oil and Gas Well Locations: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah Oil and Gas Well Locations: File Geodatabase
  • Utah Oil and Gas Well Locations: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Oil and Gas Fields

Oil Fields

This dataset depicts oil and gas field polygons in Utah from the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining. The dataset contains the field number, field name, status and more.

The data provided on this page is the most up-to-date version of the oil and gas fields in Utah. In 2020, ten fields were specifically expanded to incorporate wildcat/undesignated wells within the Uinta Basin.

PROD codes represent the Producing Formation of the Field. The table below shows the most widely used codes in the dataset. These codes are used in the following fields: PROD_FORM, FORM_2, FORM_4, and FORM_4.

PROD Code Description

Contact the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining with any questions.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah Oil and Gas Fields: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah Oil and Gas Fields: File Geodatabase
  • Utah Oil and Gas Fields: Shapefile
  • As Needed

Federal Oil and Gas Units

Oil Units

This dataset depicts oil and gas field units in Utah from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The dataset contains the unit name, operator, status, district and more. It is available via a BLM Map Service REST end point. Most "Units" in the state of Utah are established and regulated by the BLM. We are therefore providing this link to their "Utah Oil and Gas Unit Agreements" GIS Layer. This information is better maintained by the BLM than the data layer previously posted here, which was occasionally updated by the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining with second-hand information. However, please be aware that none of the state designated oil and gas units/area's (i.e. OGM Board Designated units and enhanced recovery units) are present in the data set from the BLM. If you need these data, please contact the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining.