DAQ Air Emissions Inventory

Air-Related Contaminant and Cleanup Sites

  • Category: Environment
  • Data Type: GIS Data Layer
  • Steward(s): Utah Department of Environmental Quality
  • Web Application: View
  • Abstract: Utah DAQ Air Emissions Inventory depicts facility locations and annual emissions. Annual emissions (in tons) are included for ammonia, pm10, carbon monoxide, sulfer dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and oxides of nitogen for Utah. To view all DEQ geographic data online, see the DEQ Interactive Map Viewer.

Air Emissions Inventory

Usage: No usage tips available at this time.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Whitney Oswald from DEQ at

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DAQ Air Emissions Inventory: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DAQ Air Emissions Inventory: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DAQ Air Emissions Inventory: Shapefile
  • 2008