Land Locations
DEQ Land Locations

DEQ Land-Related Contaminant and Cleanup Data

  • Category: Environment
  • Data Type: GIS Data Layer
  • Steward(s): Utah Department of Environmental Quality
  • Web Application: View
  • Abstract: US EPA and State designated hazardous materials storage sites and contamination clean up program sites including CERLA, National Priority List, Underground Storage Tanks (UST), Brownfields, Voluntary Cleanup (VCP), Tier 2, Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), User Oil Permitted Facilities, Formerly Used Defense (FUD), RCRA Large & Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generators, Solid Waste Facilities, and Enforceable Written Assurance sites. To view all DEQ geographic data online, see the DEQ Interactive Map Viewer.

Brownfields Targeted for Cleanup

brownfields targeted map

Utah DEQ Brownfields Targeted contains the coordinates of Brownfields Projects targeted for cleanup. These locations were derived from maps and GPS data and represent sites, not contaminated areas. Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped open land, and both improves and protects the environment. For more information see:

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Bill Rees from DEQ at or 801-536-4167.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Brownfields Targeted: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Brownfields Targeted: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Brownfields Targeted: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Brownfields Not Targeted For Cleanup

brownfields not for cleanup

Utah DEQ Brownfields Other contains the coordinates of Brownfields Projects not targeted for cleanup. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas, and were derived from maps and GPS data. For more information see:

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Bill Rees from DEQ at or 801-536-4167.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Brownfields Other: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Brownfields Other: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Brownfields Other: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Hazardous Waste and Used Oil Facilities


Utah DWMRC Hazardous Waste and Used Oil Facilities contains sites that generate hazardous waste; that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste; and sites that transport, market, or recycle used oil.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Thomas Ball from DEQ at or 801-536-0251.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DWMRC Hazardous Waste and Used Oil Facilities: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DWMRC Hazardous Waste and Used Oil Facilities: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DWMRC Hazardous Waste and Used Oil Facilities: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Low Level Waste Disposal and Uranium Mills

Low Level Waste

Utah DWMRC Low Level Waste Disposal and Uranium Mill Facilities contains sites that treat or dispose of radioactive waste or process uranium ore.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Thomas Ball from DEQ at or 801-536-0251.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Nightly

Solid Waste Landfills


Utah DWMRC Solid Waste Facilities contains locations for open and closed Solid Waste Landfills in Utah.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Thomas Ball from DEQ at or 801-536-0251.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DWMRC Solid Waste Facilities: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DWMRC Solid Waste Facilities: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DWMRC Solid Waste Facilities: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS)


Utah DEQ Formerly Used Defense contains locations of potential Formerly Used Defense sites. The Department of Defense (DoD) is responsible for environmental restoration of FUDS. FUD locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Michael Storck from DEQ at or 801-536-4179.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Formerly Used Defense: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Formerly Used Defense: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Formerly Used Defense: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP)


Utah DEQ Military Munition Response Program contains locations of Military Munitions Response Program sites. MMRP manages the environmental, health and safety issues presented by unexploded ordnances (UXO), discarded military munitions (DMM) and munitions constituents (MC). Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Michael Storck from DEQ at or 801-536-4179.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Military Munition Response Program: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Military Munition Response Program: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Military Munition Response Program: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Enforceable Written Assurances (EWA)


Utah DEQ Enforceable Written Assurances contains locations of potential Enforceable Written Assurance sites. EWAs will generally ensure to property owners or prospective property owners that there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. EWA locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Bill Rees from DEQ at or 801-536-4167.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Enforceable Written Assurances: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Enforceable Written Assurances: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Enforceable Written Assurances: Shapefile
  • Nightly

National Priorities List (NPL)


Utah DEQ CERCLA National Priorities List contains locations of Utah National Priorities List Sites. The NPL is the list of national priorities among the known releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants throughout the United States. Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Michelle Horning from DEQ at or 801-536-4128.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ CERCLA National Priorities List: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ CERCLA National Priorities List: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ CERCLA National Priorities List: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Superfund Sites


Utah DEQ CERCLA CERCLIS List contains locations of potential EPA Superfund sites. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund, imposes a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries and provides Federal authority to respond directly to releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances that may endanger public health or the environment. Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Michelle Horning from DEQ at or 801-536-4128.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ CERCLA CERCLIS List: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ CERCLA CERCLIS List: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ CERCLA CERCLIS List: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Institutional Control Buffer Zones


Utah DEQ Environmental Covenant Buffer Zones contains Institutional Control Buffer Zones in Utah.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Environmental Covenant Buffer Zones: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Environmental Covenant Buffer Zones: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Environmental Covenant Buffer Zones: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Utah Toxic Release Inventory Tier II


Utah DEQ TIER2 contains locations of Tier II facilities under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Qualifying facilities report on hazardous and toxic chemicals and are labeled either tier I or tier II. Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas. The areas of contamination will be identified at a later stage.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Michelle Horning from DEQ at or 801-536-4128.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ TIER2: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ TIER2: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ TIER2: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)


Utah DEQ Toxic Release Inventory contains TRI locations in Utah. TRI is an EPA database containing data on disposal or release of toxic chemicals from U.S. facilities and information about how facilities manage those chemicals through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas. The areas of contamination will be identified at a later stage.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Michelle Horning from DEQ at or 801-536-4128.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Toxic Release Inventory: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Toxic Release Inventory: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Toxic Release Inventory: Shapefile
  • Nightly

Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP)


Utah DEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program contains locations of Utah VCP. VCP is a program to encourage the voluntary cleanup of sites where there has been a contaminant release threatening public health and the environment. Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data. These locations represent sites, not contaminated areas.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Bill Rees from DEQ at or 801-536-4167.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program: Shapefile
  • Nightly



Utah DEQ Underground Storage Tanks contains the locations of facilities with underground storage tanks.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to Michelle Horning from DEQ at or 801-536-4128.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah DEQ Underground Storage Tanks: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah DEQ Underground Storage Tanks: File Geodatabase
  • Utah DEQ Underground Storage Tanks: Shapefile
  • Nightly