Geoscience Data Resources
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Alluvial Fans map data UDEM Wasatch Front alluvian fans inventory for 2019
Aquifers map data USGS & DEQ Aquifer basin fill boundary and aquifer recharge areas. Shallow ground water.
Avalanche Paths map data UGRC Avalanche paths in the tri-canyon area of the Wasatch Front, Utah.
Earthquake Epicenters map data UGS Chronological lists of earthquake origin time, location, and size for both naturally occurring and mining induced earthquakes.
Geochronology map data UGS Various geologic dating methods, sites, and project areas in Utah.
Geologic Contacts map data UGS Locations of geologic contacts in Utah.
Geologic Dikes map data UGS Locations of geologic dikes in Utah.
Geologic Formations map data UGS Locations of geologic formations in Utah.
Geologic Markers map data UGS Locations of geologic markers in Utah.
Geologic Veins map data UGS Locations of geologic veins in Utah.
Landslides map data UGS Landslides and debris flows of Utah.
Liquefaction map data UGS Liquefaction potential for 6 counties along the Wasatch Front.
Minerals map data USGS Mineral deposit locations.
Quaternary Faults and Folds map data UGS Compilation of existing information on faults and fault-related folds considered to be potential earthquake sources in Utah.
Volcanic Cones map data UGS Volcanic cones in Utah.
Volcanic Flows map data UGS Quaternary volcanic flows in Utah.
Volcanic Vents map data UGS Quaternary volcanic vents in Utah.
Soil map data UGS Extent of defined soil types throughout Utah.
Soil Conservation Districts & Zones map data UGRC & USDA-NRCS Soil conservation districts and zones.
UGS Hazards map data UGS Underlying data found in the Utah Geologic Survey (UGS) Hazards Portal web application including Caliche Hazard, Collapsible Soil Susceptibility, Corrosive Soil and Rock Susceptibility, Earth Fissure Hazard, Erosion Hazard Zones, Expansive Soil and Rock Susceptibility, Flood Canyon Hazard, Flood Hazard, Geologic Radon Susceptibility, Karst Features, Landslide Inventory Polygons, Landslide Susceptibility, Liquefaction Susceptibility, Piping and Erosion Susceptibility, Rockfall Hazard, Salt Tectonics Related Ground Deformation, Shallow Bedrock Potential, Shallow Groundwater Susceptibility, Soluble Soil and Rock Susceptibility, Surface Fault Rupture Hazard Special Study Zone, and Wind Blown Sand Susceptibility.

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