Health Care Facilities

Healthcare Facilities

  • Category: Health
  • Data Type: GIS Data Layer
  • Steward(s): UGRC, Utah Department of Health, Utah Division of Emergency Management
  • Abstract: The Healthcare Facilities data package contains all the datasets available that represent healthcare facilities in Utah. The package includes a general Healthcare Facilities dataset as well as a specialized dataset that contains locations of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) facilities.

Healthcare Facilities


Health Care Facilities represents clinics, dialysis centers, hospitals, and other healthcare related facilities. This dataset is a work in progress. Listed below are more completed datasets for specific types of healthcare facilities.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah Health Care Facilities: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah Health Care Facilities: File Geodatabase
  • Utah Health Care Facilities: Shapefile
  • December, 2017
  • January, 2016
  • July, 2015
  • June, 2015
  • June, 2013

Emergency Medical Services


Emergency Medical Services represents the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Facilities throughout the state of Utah. An EMS Facility is any location where emergency medical services personnel are stationed or based out of, or where EMS equipment is stored and ready use. Health.EmergencyMedicalServices includes both private and governmental entities. The NAME field contains the name of the EMS Facility.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Related Resources
Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah Emergency Medical Services: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah Emergency Medical Services: File Geodatabase
  • Utah Emergency Medical Services: Shapefile
  • June, 2013