2018 Small Health Statistical Areas

Small Health Statistical Areas

  • Category: Health
  • Data Type: GIS Data Layer
  • Steward(s): UGRC and Utah Department of Health
  • Abstract: First developed by the Department of Health in 1997, small statistical areas provide a means of geographically analyzing and presenting health statistics at the community level. Producing information at this level provides community planners and others with information that is specific to the populations living in their communities. Small area analysis allows an investigator to explore ecologic relationships between health status, lifestyle, the environment and the health system.

2020 Small Health Statistical Areas

Small Health Areas

Utah Small Health Statistics Areas was developed by the Utah Department of Health by combining neighboring ZIP code areas to create 99 small areas ranging in population of approximately 8,000 to 86,000 persons. In some instances a small area may not have a contiguous boundary, in these cases the small area is represented with multiple polygons. These boundaries were created to allow for more meaningful analysis by reducing areas to the smallest unit where there is enough data to be reliable and the area is similar.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2020: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2020: File Geodatabase
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2020: Shapefile
  • May 2020

2018 Small Health Statistical Areas

Small Health Areas

"Utah Small Health Statistics Areas" was developed by the Utah Department of Health by combining neighboring ZIP code areas to create 99 small areas ranging in population of approximately 8,000 to 86,000 persons. These boundaries were created to allow for more meaningful analysis by reducing areas to the smallest unit where there is enough data to be reliable and the area is similar.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2018: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2018: File Geodatabase
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2018: Shapefile
  • October 2018

2017 Small Health Statistical Areas

Small Health Areas

The boundaries were developed by the Utah Department of Health by combining zip code areas within a county to create 64 small areas with populations of approximately 33,500 people.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2017: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2017: File Geodatabase
  • Utah Health Small Statistical Areas 2017: Shapefile
  • November 2017

2014 Small Health Statistical Areas

Small Health Areas

The feature layer was developed in 1997 by the Office of Public Health Assessment. There are the 63 small health statistical areas in Utah. These boundaries were developed by the Utah Department of Health by combining neighboring ZIP code areas within a county to create 63 small areas of approximately 33,500 persons.

  • The Area_Code field contains the statistical area code.
  • The Area_Name field contains the statistical area name.
Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Downloads and Web Services
  • January 2014

2012 Small Health Statistical Areas

Small Health Areas

Health Small Statistical Areas 2012 are the 62 small health statistical areas in Utah. These boundaries were developed by the Utah Department of Health by combining neighboring ZIP code areas to create 62 small areas of approximately 33,500 persons.

  • The Area_Code field contains the statistical area code.
  • The Area_Name field contains the statistical area name.
Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Downloads and Web Services
  • October 2012