The list shown below includes dataset names, descriptions, and links to some of the most important statewide and regional data resources for transportation planning, land use planning, and economic development. It also includes some datasets that represent the geography of notable formal plans and proposals.

The list is meant as a starting point and users are encouraged to reach out to agencies, local government, and further search across UGRC's State Geographic Information Database for additional existing data. The overall objective of keeping this list is to connect others to valuable resources efficiently and avoid duplicative work.

If you have ideas for additions to this list, please contact Zach Beck from UGRC at or 801-538-3072, or Michael Foulger from UGRC at or 801-652-2258, or Bert Granberg from WFRC at

Subcategory Product Name Type Steward(s) Description
click a product name for more information and/or download links
Accessibility Workplace Accessibility map data WFRC Workplace Access to Opportunities (ATO) metrics for typical peak period auto and transit commutes, at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level. Includes measures for household (access to jobs) and employer (access to workers/customers) perspectives. These datasets use a 'distance decay' travel cost weighting based on typical Wasatch Front commuting and are designed to take the place of "jobs within x minutes" datasets. This extent of this dataset currently is the Wasatch Front urban area although this will soon be expanded statewide. More info on ATO
Accessibility Household and Employment Intensity map data WFRC A quick summary of residential and employment intensity within ~1/4 mile for city-block-sized polygons in the Wasatch Front urban areas. This roughly represents commuter trip producing and attracting areas. More info on ATO
Active Transportation On-Street Bike Facilities map data UGRC, WFRC, MAG Existing and planned bicycle infrastructure on/near roadways (bike lanes, cycle tracks, bike boulevards etc.), is coded on the road centerline dataset using Bike_L(eft), Bike_R(ight), Bike_Plan_L, Bike_Pln_R attributes. The Bike_RegPr field is used to distinguish regional bike facilities from more locally oriented facilities. This dataset is populated based on local data and local plans compiled by WFRC & MAG, and 2019 aerial photography review by UDOT Traffic and Safety. See Trails and Pathways for non-road bike/ped facilities.
Active Transportation Trails and Pathways (Bike/Ped/Hike) map data UGRC Existing and planned trails and pathways (off-street), statewide. The Status field differentiates planned from existing and Carto_Code and Class differentiate different types of trails and pathways. See On-Street Bike Facilities for bike lanes, cycle tracks, etc.
Active Transportation Road and Highway System map data UGRC, WFRC, MAG Existing and planned bicycle infrastructure on/near roadways is coded on the road centerline dataset using Bike_L(eft), Bike_R(ight), Bike_Plan_L, Bike_Pln_R attributes. The Bike_RegPr field is used to distinguish regional bike facilities from more locally oriented facilities. This dataset is populated based on local data and local plans compiled by WFRC & MAG, and 2019 aerial photography review by UDOT Traffic and Safety.
Aerial Photography Current High Res Aerial Photography map data services UGRC The most current high resolution aerial photography for Utah is made available to GIS users (desktop and webapps) from UGRC's Discover server. This commercially-licensed imagery is available at no charge to state and local government (including tribes, k-12, and colleges), and their contractors and formal partners, for download and as high-performance web services.
Aerial Photography Archival Aerial Photography map data UGRC & UGS This link opens the UGRC aerial photography page with information on accessing older aerial photography including 1990's era DOQ's and older scanned aerial imagery
Base Maps Base Maps map data services UGRC UGRC's Discover server provides high-performance base maps -- built exclusively from GIS data in the State Geographic Information Database -- from its Discover server. Base map themes include terrain, lite, topographic, address points, and overlay. These are open to public use,, but require a free Discover account.
Boundaries City, County and State Boundaries map data UGRC Utah city (municipal), county, and state boundaries
Cadastral (Land Ownership) Parcels map data UGRC Parcel boundaries and characteristics from Utah's County Recorders ("Basic" parcels) and County Assessors ("LIR" tax parcels -- includes valuation, property types, tax exemption, and improvement characteristics)
Demographic (Socioeconomic) Population and Employment Projections (TAZ-level) map data WFRC, MAG, Cache MPO, Dixie MPO, UDOT Forecasted population, household, and job counts, annually from 2015-2050, at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) and 'City Area' levels. These dataset was developed for the purpose of transportation modeling and conforms with the county-level population projections developed by GPI for the Utah Population Committee. Utah has 8745 TAZ's statewide, 2871 of which are within the Wasatch Front urban modeling area. 'City Areas' are combinations of TAZ that approximate current city boundaries
Demographic Equity Focus Areas (WFRC Area) map data WFRC WFRC has adopted an Equity Focus Area (EFA)framework as an input to its transportation planning efforts. EFAs are census block groups where any of the following criteria is met: > 25% low income, > 40% Persons of Color, OR > 10% zero car households
Destinations Community Centers map data WFRC Recreation centers, libraries, and other community recreation facilities along the Wasatch Front
Destinations Community Services map data WFRC/UDAF Community services along the Wasatch Front including city halls, county offices, courthouses, food banks, human services, the state capitol, vehicle services, and workforce services. Locations were primarily derived from digitizing or geocoding office locations listed on various state and nonprofit websites (DMV, Utah Food Bank, DWS)
Destinations Grocery Stores map data WFRC/UDAF Grocery Stores and other food stores from the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) database (2018). Use the 'TYPE' field to filter by type of store.
Destinations Child Care Facilities map data WFRC/HIFLD Child care and preschool facilities from the US DHS HIFLD open data site.
Destinations Healthcare Facilities map data UGRC, Utah Department of Health, Division of Emergency Management Healthcare Facilities and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) locations in Utah
Destinations Post Offices map data UGRC Locations of Utah Post Offices according to an address list from the Salt Lake City USPS District Office.
Destinations Retail Centers map data WFRC Locations of shopping malls and retail centers along the Wasatch Front.
Destinations Schools & Libraries map data UGRC Locations and information for schools and libraries in Utah.
Environment Conservation Easements map data UGRC Conservation Easements in Utah.
Environment Conservation Districts and Zones map data UGRC Conservation Districts and Zones in Utah.
Environment Primitive Areas map data UGRC Only in Emery County.
Environment Public Lands Initiative Proposal PLI Areas and Public Lands Initiative Proposal PLI Lines map data BLM Features in these data were produced by the BLM for HR 5780 to designate federal lands as wilderness and components of the National Wilderness Preservation System in Utah. The Public Lands Initiative (PLI) is a locally-driven effort to bring resolution and certainty to some of the most challenging land disputes in Utah.
Environment Urban Interface Areas map data UGRC Locations of Wildland Urban Interfaces.
Environment Wilderness, Proposals & Protected Areas map data USFS/BLM Wilderness boundaries including BLM re-inventory and suitability, WSAs, roadless inventory and existing wilderness.
Environment Wetlands map data USFWS Wetland areas in Utah.
Health Health Indicators map data Utah Dept of Health Obesity and physical activity rates by small health statistical areas
Housing Mobile Home Parks map data WFRC Mobile Home parks in the Wasatch Front and Wasatch back areas (Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake, Summit, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch, Weber counties
Land Use Cemeteries map data Utah State History Cemetery locations in Utah.
Land Use Generalized Future Land Use map data WFRC A generalized interpretation (2020) of city and county general plans in the WFRC urban area. General plans present a community's aspirations for allowable future land use types and intensities.
Land Use Golf Courses map data UGRC Locations of Municipal, Private, Public and Resort Golf Courses.
Land Use Local Parks map data UGRC Locations of non state and non federal parks.
Land Use Wasatch Choice Urban Centers map data WFRC/MAG This dataset represents the regionally significant centers and other specialized land use from the Wasatch Choice 2050 Vision Map. Land use types in this dataset include four levels of centers (metropolitan, urban, city, neighborhood), employment districts, education districts, industrial districts, and special districts (airports, mining, military, etc.).
Transportation Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), Historic & Forecasted map data WFRC, MAG, Cache MPO, Dixie MPO, UDOT This statewide traffic volume GIS dataset contains observed (historic, from UDOT) and forecasted traffic volumes (from MPOs and UDOT) on highways and major roads.
Transportation Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), Historic & Forecasted webmap WFRC, MAG, Cache MPO, Dixie MPO, UDOT This statewide traffic volume viewer shows observed (historic, from UDOT) and forecasted traffic volumes (from MPOs and UDOT) on highways and major roads. The advanced tab allows for traffic volumes to be seen in the context of forecasted population, employment, and future regional transportation projects.
Transportation Average Commute Times map data WFRC/MAG Projected average auto and transit commute times (one way) for residents of Wasatch Front traffic analysis zones (TAZs) for 2019, 2030, 2040, & 2040
Transportation Functional Class (Roadways) map data UDOT UDOT Functional Class definitions (interstate, other freeway/expressway, principal/minor arterial, major/minor collector, etc.) for existing and planned UDOT and federal aid eligible roads. This dataset can be viewed in this webmap.
Transportation Major Transit Investment Corridors (per SB34) map data WFRC This dataset identifies transit service routes that meet the definition within Senate Bill 34 (line 858), passed during the Utah Legislature's 2019 General Session
Transportation Pathways, Trails, and Trailheads map data UGRC Established trails and trailheads in Utah.
Transportation Railroads map data UGRC Statewide railroads data, including transit rail
Transportation Road and Highway System map data UGRC Statewide road and highway system data for cartography and address location. Includes local streets, mileposts, and numbered exit data.
Transportation Street Connectivity map data WFRC Street Connectivity analysis datasets for the Wasatch Front and Back counties. Data set options include intersection points, dead ends/culdesacs, and intersection density scores by 1 km hexagon and by traffic analysis zone (TAZ). These can be viewed in WFRC's Street Connectivity interactive map.
Transportation Street Network Analysis map data UGRC Network datasets designed for routing, service areas, drive times, and distance analysis. Includes statewide street network dataset and Wasatch Front multimodal network dataset.
Transportation Transit Routes, Stations, and Stops map data UTA Routes and stops for buses, light rail and commuter rail
Transportation UDOT Business System Data data portal UDOT Utah Department of Transportation geospatial data and services gateway website. Includes detailed data for projects, pavement management, planning, medians, barriers, signs,traffic volume, lanes, etc available in various formats
Transportation Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Open Data Site data portal UTA Utah Transit Authority (UTA) geospatial data and services gateway website. Includes stop/station, route, and mode-level boarding counts.
Transportation Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Ridership Dashboard dashboard UTA Utah Transit Authority (UTA) ridership dashboard, includes views of Commuter Rail, Light Rail, Streetcar, Regular Bus, Express Bus, Ski Bus, BRT Bus (UVX), Vanpool, and Paratransit modes
Water Water Related Land Use map data DNR Water usage-related polygon map data, published annually that depicts the types and extent of irrigated crops as well as information concerning phreatophytes, wet/open water areas, dry land agriculture and residential/industrial areas

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