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category name agency description service
basemap Address Points UGRC A muted basemap great for overlaying data.
basemap Hillshade UGRC Grey elevation based shading.
basemap Lite UGRC A muted basemap great for overlaying data.
basemap Overlay UGRC Roads and placenames in transparent form. Great for overlaying over data for reference.
basemap Terrain UGRC Contour lines with roads and placenames
basemap Topo UGRC USGS Scanned topographic maps
bioscience Beaver Restoration Assessment US Fish and Wildlife Service A planning and support tool that models a river's capacity to support beaver dam building activity.
bioscience Dominant Vegetation Statewide distribution of dominant vegetation species in Utah.
bioscience Habitat Bandtailed Pigeon Div of Wildlife Resources Bandtailed pigeon habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Bison Div of Wildlife Resources Bison habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Black Bear Div of Wildlife Resources Black bear habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Bonetailed Chub Div of Wildlife Resources Bonetailed chub habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat California Big Horn Sheep Div of Wildlife Resources California bighorn sheep habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat California Quail Div of Wildlife Resources California quail habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Chukar Div of Wildlife Resources Chukar habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Columbian Sharp Tailed Grouse Div of Wildlife Resources Columbian sharptailed grouse habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Desert Bighorn Sheep Div of Wildlife Resources Desert bighorn sheep habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Dusky Grouse Div of Wildlife Resources Dusky grouse habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Gambels Quail Div of Wildlife Resources Gambels quail habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Greater Sage Grouse Brood Div of Wildlife Resources Greater sage grouse brood habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Greater Sage Grouse Occupied Div of Wildlife Resources Greater sage grouse occupied habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Greater Sage Grouse Winter Div of Wildlife Resources Greater sage grouse winter habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Gunnison Sage Grouse Div of Wildlife Resources Gunnison sage grouse habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Hungarian Partridge Div of Wildlife Resources Hungarian partridge habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Moose Div of Wildlife Resources Moose habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Mountain Goat Div of Wildlife Resources Mountain goat habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Muledeer Div of Wildlife Resources Muledeer habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Pronghorn Div of Wildlife Resources Pronghorn habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Razorback Sucker Div of Wildlife Resources Razorback sucker habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Ring Necked Pheasant Div of Wildlife Resources Ring necked pheasant habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Div of Wildlife Resources Rocky mountain bighorn sheep habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Rocky Mountain Elk Div of Wildlife Resources Rocky mountain elk habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Ruffed Grouse Div of Wildlife Resources Ruffed grouse habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Snowshoe Hare Div of Wildlife Resources Snowshoe hair habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Turkey Div of Wildlife Resources Wild turkey habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat White Tailed Ptarmigan Div of Wildlife Resources White tailed ptarmigan habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Habitat Whitewinged Dove Div of Wildlife Resources Whitewinged dove habitat identified by the Dept. of Wildlife Resources.
bioscience Noxious Weeds Line DWR NOTE: This dataset is an older dataset that we have removed from the SGID and 'shelved' in ArcGIS Online. There may (or may not) be a newer vintage of this dataset in the SGID.
bioscience Noxious Weeds Point DWR NOTE: This dataset is an older dataset that we have removed from the SGID and 'shelved' in ArcGIS Online. There may (or may not) be a newer vintage of this dataset in the SGID.
bioscience Noxious Weeds Poly DWR NOTE: This dataset is an older dataset that we have removed from the SGID and 'shelved' in ArcGIS Online. There may (or may not) be a newer vintage of this dataset in the SGID.
bioscience Threatened And Endangered Species Div of Wildlife Resources Threatened and endangered species locations represented by 1:24,000K quad locations.
bioscience WAP Conservation Action Areas Div of Wildlife Resources This data set is a selected set of hydrologic unit boundaries to the subwatershed level to meet the biologic goals set forth by the wildlife action plan team and participating experts.
bioscience Watershed Restoration Initiative Treatment Areas Div of Wildlife Resources Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative proposed, current, pending complete, and complete projects' terrestrial and aquatic/riparian treatment areas.
boundaries Association Of Governments UGRC Organized county government association boundaries.
boundaries BLM Districts BLM BLM district boundaries.
boundaries BLM Monuments And NC As BLM BLM national monuments and national conservation areas. Includes recently designated Bears Ears National Monument
boundaries BLM Monuments And NC As Historic BLM BLM national monuments and national conservation areas. Depicts Grand Staircase Escalante and Bears Ears National Monuments prior to being reduced by the Trump administration.
boundaries BLM Monuments And NC As Line BLM Line elements (PLSS, roads, contours etc) used to create the boundaries of BLM national monuments and national conservation areas.
boundaries Counties UGRC Utah county boundaries.
boundaries Counties As Puzzle UGRC County boundaries as a puzzle.
boundaries Counties As Puzzle Parts UGRC County boundaries as a puzzle.
boundaries Counties Label Lines UGRC County boundaries as line features for labeling purposes.
boundaries Counties Modifications UGRC Changes to county boundaries over the years.
boundaries Fire Restriction Areas 2012 UGRC NOTE: This dataset is an older dataset that we have removed from the SGID and 'shelved' in ArcGIS Online. There may (or may not) be a newer vintage of this dataset in the SGID.
boundaries Forest Service National forest boundaries submitted for the President's Roadless Area Initiative.
boundaries Metro Townships UGRC Boundary for new Metro Townships, as submitted by County Recorders Offices
boundaries Municipalities UGRC Utah municipal boundaries defined by County Recorders offices and certified by the Lt. Governor's Office.
boundaries Municipalities Carto UGRC Municipal boundaries for cartographic purposes.
boundaries Municipalities Modifications UGRC Changes and modifications made to municipal boundaries over time.
boundaries Navajo Chapters UGRC Navajo chapter boundaries.
boundaries School Districts UGRC Utah school district boundaries.
boundaries UDOT Map Neighbor Counties County boundaries of neighboring states.
boundaries USFS Roadless Inventory USGS National forest inventoried roadless areas.
boundaries US States UGRC United States and D.C. boundaries.
boundaries Utah UGRC Utah State boundary.
boundaries Utah Conservation Districts Utah Conservation Commission Conservation District (formerly Soil Conservation District) boundaries in the state of Utah.
boundaries Utah Conservation Zones Utah Conservation Commission Conservation District (formerly Soil Conservation District) zone boundaries in the state of Utah.
boundaries Utah Inland Port Authority HB 2001 Utah Office of Legislative Research Utah Inland Port Authority Boundary as described in House Bill 2001
boundaries Utah Wilderness Areas BLM / USFS BLM and USFS designated wilderness areas in Utah
boundaries Wilderness BLM 98 Reinventory BLM 1998 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wilderness characteristics re-inventory.
boundaries Wilderness BLM Suitability BLM Lands that were recommended to the President and Congress for wilderness designation as a result of the FLPMA Section 603 wilderness review mandate.
boundaries Wilderness BLMWS As BLM Land identified and endorsed as wilderness study areas (WSAs) in the 1991 wilderness study reports sent to the President and Congress.
boundaries Zip Codes UGRC Geographic extents of 5 digit zip codes.
cadastre BLM RMP Targeted Lands BLM BLM resource management plan targeted lands.
cadastre GSL Meander Line BLM Great Salt Lake meander line.
cadastre Land Ownership SITLA Land ownership boundaries, designation status, and areas of responsibility for the State of Utah surface lands. Maintenance of this data layer is performed by a cooperative federal and state effort between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA).
cadastre Lat Long Grid 1 Degree UGRC One-degree latitude/longitude graticules.
cadastre Meandered Water GCDB UGRC These are areas of water that are defined from meander lines of the PLSS and GLO surveys.
cadastre Metadata Glance GCDB UGRC This is a graphic representation of the data stewards based on PLSS Townships in PLSS areas. In non-PLSS areas the metadata at a glance is based on a data steward defined polygons such as a city or county or other units.
cadastre Parcels Beaver County Beaver County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required in HB113.
cadastre Parcels Beaver LIR County Beaver County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Box Elder County Box Elder County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Box Elder LIR County Box Elder County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Cache County Cache County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Cache LIR County Cache County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Carbon County Carbon County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Daggett County Daggett County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Daggett LIR County Daggett County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Davis County Davis County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Davis LIR County Davis County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Duchesne County Duchesne County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Emery County Emery County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Garfield County Garfield County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Garfield LIR County Garfield County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Grand County Grand County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Iron County Iron County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Iron LIR County Iron County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Juab County Juab County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Juab LIR County Juab County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Kane County Kane County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Kane LIR County Kane County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Millard County Millard County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Millard LIR County Millard County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Morgan County Morgan County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Morgan LIR County Morgan County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Piute County Piute County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Rich County Rich County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Rich LIR County Rich County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Salt Lake County Salt Lake County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Salt Lake LIR County Salt Lake County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels San Juan County San Juan County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Sanpete County Sanpete County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Sanpete LIR County Sanpete County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Sevier County Sevier County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Sevier LIR County Sevier County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Summit County Summit County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Summit LIR County Summit County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Tooele County Tooele County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Tooele LIR County Tooele County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Uintah County Uintah County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Utah County Utah County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Utah LIR County Utah County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Wasatch County Wasatch County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Wasatch LIR County Wasatch County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Washington County Washington County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Washington LIR County Washington County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre Parcels Wayne County Wayne County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Weber County Weber County parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information as required by HB113.
cadastre Parcels Weber LIR County Weber County LIR parcel boundary and Land Information Records attributes.
cadastre PLSS Edit Tracker
cadastre PLSS Point AGRC UGRC Point dataset that depicts the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) for the State of Utah and is based on the Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB). This dataset was derived from CADASTRE.PLSSPoint_GCDB with an attribute schema developed by the UGRC.
cadastre PLSS Point GCDB UGRC Point dataset that depicts the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) for the State of Utah and is based on the Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB). This dataset was created to provide continuous cadastre data for the state of Utah and is the CadNSDI Version 2.0 2015 of the Utah GCDB.
cadastre PLSS Quarter Quarter Sections GCDB UGRC PLSSQuarterQuarterSections_GCDB is the fourth level of a hierarchical break down of the Public Land Survey System Rectangular surveys. This data is CadNSDI Version 2.0 2015 of the Utah GCDB.
cadastre PLSS Quarter Sections GCDB UGRC PLSSQuarterSections_GCDB is the third level of a hierarchical break down of the Public Land Survey System Rectangular surveys. This data is Version 2.0 2015 of the Utah GCDB.
cadastre PLSS Sections GCDB UGRC PLSSSections_GCDB is the second level of a hierarchical break down of the Public Land Survey System Rectangular surveys. This data is Version 2.0 2015 of the Utah GCDB.
cadastre PLSS Townships GCDB UGRC PLSSTownship_GCDB is the first level of a hierarchical break down of the Public Land Survey System Rectangular surveys. This data is Version 2.0 2015 of the Utah GCDB.
Utah Parcels UGRC This dataset represents UGRC's best effort to compile statewide parcels for Utah. "Database containing parcel boundary, parcel identifier, parcel address, owner type, and county recorder contact information" - HB113. This is the reason we have this dataset. The intent of the bill was to not include any attributes that the counties rely on for data sales. If you want those other attributes you need to contact the county recorder
cadastre TURN GPS Base Lines UGRC Represents the baselines between the The Utah Reference Network Global Positioning System (TURN GPS) base stations.
cadastre TURN GPS Stations UGRC Points representing the Utah Reference Network Global Positioning System (TURN GPS) base station locations.
cadastre Utah Control HRO UGRC Control points for Utah High Resolution Orthophotography (HRO) imagery.
cadastre Utah Control NAIP UGRC Control points for Utah National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP).
climate NWS Forecast Zones NWS Public forecast zones that are used by NWS for making forecasts.
climate Weather Stations ? Names and locations of weathers stations found throughout Utah.
demographic Census Block Groups 2000 US Census Bureau 2000 Census Block Groups are units used by the United States Census Bureau which are between the Census Tract and the Census Block. It is the smallest geographical unit for which the bureau publishes sample data.
demographic Census Block Groups 2010 US Census Bureau 2010 Census Block Groups are units used by the United States Census Bureau which are between the Census Tract and the Census Block. It is the smallest geographical unit for which the bureau publishes sample data.
demographic Census Block Groups 2020 US Census Bureau 2020 Census Block Groups are units used by the United States Census Bureau which are between the Census Tract and the Census Block. It is the smallest geographical unit for which the bureau publishes sample data.
demographic Census Blocks 2000 US Census Bureau 2000 Census Blocks are the smallest geographic unit used by the United States Census Bureau for tabulation of 100-percent data (data collected from all houses, rather than a sample of houses).
demographic Census Blocks 2009 US Census Bureau 2009 Census Blocks are the smallest geographic unit used by the United States Census Bureau for tabulation of 100-percent data (data collected from all houses, rather than a sample of houses).
demographic Census Blocks 2010 US Census Bureau 2010 Census Blocks are the smallest geographic unit used by the United States Census Bureau for tabulation of 100-percent data (data collected from all houses, rather than a sample of houses).
demographic Census Blocks 2020 US Census Bureau 2020 Census Blocks are the smallest geographic unit used by the United States Census Bureau for tabulation of 100-percent data (data collected from all houses, rather than a sample of houses).
demographic Census Counties 2000 US Census Bureau 2000 Census county boundaries.
demographic Census Counties 2010 US Census Bureau 2010 Census county boundaries.
demographic Census Counties 2020 US Census Bureau 2020 Census county boundaries.
demographic Census Edges 2010 US Census Bureau 2010 Census line features.
demographic Census Place Points 2010 US Census Bureau 2010 Census city and town demographics.
demographic Census Places 2010 US Census Bureau 2010 Census city and town demographics.
demographic Census Places 2020 US Census Bureau 2020 Census city, town and places (CDP) demographics.
demographic Census State 2020 US Census Bureau 2020 Census State of Utah bounday, as defined by the US Census Bureau.
demographic Census Tracts 2000 US Census Bureau 2000 Census Tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity that are updated by local participants prior to each decennial census as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program.
demographic Census Tracts 2010 US Census Bureau 2010 Census Tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity that are updated by local participants prior to each decennial census as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program.
demographic Census Tracts 2020 US Census Bureau 2020 Census Tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity that are updated by local participants prior to each decennial census as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program.
demographic Metro Micro Statistical Areas US Census Bureau Geographic entities delineated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for use by Federal statistical agencies in collecting, tabulating, and publishing Federal statistics.
demographic Pop Block Areas 2010 Approx UGRC Census blocks that only represent populated areas.
demographic Pop Place Pts 2010 Approx UGRC Populated places - cities, towns, locations.
demographic Un Incorp Areas 2010 Approx UGRC Derived from 2010 census blocks to identify unincorporated areas.
demographic Un Pop Utah Approx UGRC Approximate unpopulated areas of Utah
demographic Urban Areas Census 2010 UGRC Derived from 2010 census blocks to identify urban areas and urban clusters.
economy Enterprise Zones GOED Areas created by the Utah Governors Office of Economic Development to encourage economic growth and development in specified areas by providing tax breaks to development projects within these boundaries.
economy Non Tax Fee Entities 2016 Office of the Utah State Auditor NOTE: This dataset is an older dataset that we have removed from the SGID and 'shelved' in ArcGIS Online. There may (or may not) be a newer vintage of this dataset in the SGID. NonTaxFee entities include bodies that have the power to levy fees, collect payment of tax increment such as special service districts, redevelopment districts, conservation districts, etc.
economy Sales Tax Areas USTC/UGRC Approximate boundaries of Sales Tax Collection Areas in Utah. Sales Tax Areas are formed by municipality boundaries, special sales tax districts and the unincorporated areas of counties not in a special sales tax district.
economy Tax Areas 2008 USTC 2008 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2009 USTC 2009 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2010 USTC 2010 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2011 USTC 2011 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2012 USTC 2012 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2013 USTC 2013 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2014 USTC 2014 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2015 USTC 2015 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2016 USTC 2016 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2017 USTC 2017 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Areas 2020 USTC 2020 Tax Area boundaries formed by each unique 2-dimensional intersection of incorporated taxing entities in Utah. Each taxing area represents at least a county and school district as members of these two categories cover the entire state.
economy Tax Entities 2008 USTC 2008 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2009 USTC 2009 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2010 USTC 2010 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2011 USTC 2011 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2012 USTC 2012 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2013 USTC 2013 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2014 USTC 2014 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2015 USTC 2015 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2016 USTC 2016 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2017 USTC 2017 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Tax Entities 2020 USTC 2020 Boundaries of incorporated political subdivisions that have the power to levy a local property tax such as school districts, counties, cities, special service districts, redevelopment districts, library districts, cemetery districts, and mosquito abatement districts.
economy Transit Special Tax Areas USTC Sales tax areas that are generally areas outside of incorporated municipalities where additional sales tax is collected to support transit activities (generally buses).
economy Utah Entities Non Tax State Auditors Office/UGRC Utah State Entities that are not collecting tax but may be collecting fees.
elevation 2006 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2006) Wasatch Front, Iron County, Heber Valley
elevation 2011 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2011) Great Salt Lake, Cedar valley, Hurricane Fault
elevation 2013 2014 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2013 & 2014) Wasatch Front and Wasatch Fault
elevation 2015 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2015) Zion National Park
elevation 2015 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2015) Colorado, Green and Yampa Rivers
elevation 2016 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2016) FORGE
elevation 2016 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2016) Monroe Mountain
elevation 2016 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2016) Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake
elevation 2016 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2016) Bear Lake, Bear River, Cache Valley and Upper Weber Valley
elevation 2016 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2016) Kanab Utah
elevation 2017 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2017) Washington County
elevation 2017 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2017) Washakie and Whites Valley
elevation 2017 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2017) Millsite Reservoir
elevation 2017 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2017) Franklin Bear
elevation 2018 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2018) Sanpete Valley
elevation 2018 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2018) Southern utah
elevation 2018 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2018) Central Utah
elevation 2018 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2018) Northern Utah
elevation 2018 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2018) Box Elder County
elevation 2018 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2018) Uintah Basin and Heber Valley
elevation 2019 UGRC Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from Lidar (2019) Strawberry River
elevation Avalanche Rose Tri Canyons UGRC Aspect and elevation polygons that correspond to the Utah Avalanche Forecast Center rose graphic.
elevation Contours 2 Meter SL County UGRC 2 Meter interval contours for Salt Lake County.
elevation Contours 500 Ft UGRC Statewide 500 foot interval contours.
elevation Contours Generalized 200 Ft UGRC Generalized contour polygons to show relative elevation and terrain at medium and small scales.
elevation Highest Peaks UGRC Top 100 highest peaks and additional highest county peaks.
elevation USGS 10 Meter USGS 10 Meter Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from the USGS National Map
elevation USGS 30 Meter USGS 30 Meter Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from the USGS National Map
energy Coal 4 Foot Seams DOGM Areas of coal deposits.
energy Coal Deposit Areas 1988 DOGM Areas of coal deposits.
energy Coal Leases DOGM N/A
energy Coal Mines UGS DOGM Coal mine locations.
energy DNR Oil Gas Fields DOGM Oil and gas fields defined by the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Oil Gas and Mining Division.
energy DNR Oil Gas Units DOGM Oil and gas units defined by the the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Oil Gas and Mining Division.
energy DNR Oil Gas Wells DOGM Oil and gas well locations.
energy DNR Oil Gas Wells HD Bottom DOGM Oil and gas bottom hole points for horizontally drilled wells only. This dataset is updated nightly through a database connection with DNR-OGM.
energy DNR Oil Gas Wells HD Path DOGM Oil and gas horizontal drill paths (lines) for horizontally drilled wells only. This dataset is updated nightly through a database connection with DNR-OGM.
energy Energy Corridor Areas DOGM Proposed areas that may be designated as West-wide energy corridors on federal lands.
energy Energy Corridor Centerline DOGM This layer represents lines which have been proposed as West-wide energy corridors centerlines for the draft "Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Designation of Energy Corridors on Federal Land in the 11 Western States", September 2007.
energy Energy Resources Line DOGM Energy resources depicted as lines on the Energy Resources Map of Utah from which the data were digitized.
energy Energy Resources Point DOGM Energy resources depicted as points on the Energy Resources Map of Utah from which the data were digitized.
energy Energy Resources Poly DOGM Energy resources depicted as polygons on the Energy Resources Map of Utah from which the data were digitized.
energy Geothermal Leases Utah DOGM Locations of current geothermal leases and/or lease applications on Federal land.
energy Oil Gas Wells DOGM Oil and gas well locations.
energy Oil Gas Wells Down Holes DOGM Oil and gas bottom hole points for horizontally drilled wells only. This dataset is updated nightly through a database connection with DNR-OGM.
energy Oil Gas Wells Paths DOGM Oil and gas horizontal drill paths (lines) for horizontally drilled wells only. This dataset is updated nightly through a database connection with DNR-OGM.
energy Permitted Uranium Mines DOGM Permitted uranium mines (active and suspended operating status).
energy Power Plants CO 2 DOGM Power Plant locations from CO2 project for the State of Utah, July 2008.
energy Tar Sands DOGM Tar sand resource locations.
energy Uranium Area Boundaries DOGM Uranium deposit areas.
energy Uranium Districts UGS DOGM Uranium mining districts.
energy Uranium Mills DOGM Uranium mill locations.
energy Uranium Past Producers DOGM Locations of past mining production of uranium.
energy UREZ Phase 1 Geothermal Zones UGRC/Utah Energy Office Utah Renewable Energy Zones Phase 1, potential geothermal energy resource areas.
energy UREZ Phase 1 Solar Zones UGRC/Utah Energy Office Utah Renewable Energy Zones Phase 1, potential solar energy resource areas.
energy UREZ Phase 1 Transmission UGRC/Utah Energy Office Utah Renewable Energy Zones Phase 1, electrical transmission network schematic.
energy UREZ Phase 1 Wind Drainage UGRC/Utah Energy Office Utah Renewable Energy Zones Phase 1, potential canyon wind energy resource areas.
energy UREZ Phase 1 Wind Zones UGRC/Utah Energy Office Utah Renewable Energy Zones Phase 1, potential wind energy resource areas.
energy UREZ Phase 2 Conceptual Transmission UGRC/Utah Energy Office Utah Renewable Energy Zones Phase 2, conceptual electrical transmission network.
energy UREZ Phase 2 Geothermal UGRC/Utah Energy Office Utah Renewable Energy Zones Phase 2, geothermal energy resource locations.
energy UREZ Phase 2 Zone Boundaries UGRC/Utah Energy Office Utah Renewable Energy Zones Phase 2 zone boundaries.
environment BFNONTARGETED DEQ Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), brownfields not targeted for cleanup.
environment BFTARGETED DEQ Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), brownfields targeted for cleanup.
environment DAQ Air Emissions Inventory DEQ Annual emissions (in tons) for ammonia, pm10, carbon monoxide, sulfer dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and oxides of nitogen for Utah. Provided by the Utah Division of Air Quality.
environment DAQ Air Monitor By Station DEQ Air monitoring network that consists of ambient air monitoring stations within the State of Utah that collect air quality data 24/7.
environment DAQ Permit Comp Approval DEQ Locations of sites that have obtained Approval Orders from the Utah Division of Air Quality.
environment DAQ Permit Comp Title V DEQ Utah Division of Air Quality sites permitted under Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act.
environment DSHW Solid Haz Waste Oil Facilities DEQ Sites that generate hazardous waste; that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste; that treat, store, or dispose of non-hazardous solid waste; and sites that transport, market, or recycle used oil.
environment DWQ Assessed Lakes DEQ Locations of Utah's priority lakes and reservoirs selected for more frequent collection of water quality information. Results of lake/reservoir assessments are found in the "Assessed Waters" data layer.
environment DWQ Assessed Waters DEQ Water quality assesssment information for Utah's surface waters (rivers, streams, and reservoirs/lakes) as reported in the latest 305(b) Report to Congress.
environment DWQ Assessment Units DEQ Delineated boundaries of the Division of Water Quality assessment unit and the 2006 assessment category for meeting State of Utah water quality standards.
environment DWQ Groundwater Permits DEQ Locations of Division ofWater Quality groundwater permits and associated permit information including permittee names, address, and permit type.
environment DWQ Mercury In Fish Tissue DEQ Locations of fish tissue sample sites, consumption advisories, and sampling information including fish species, sample size, sample year, and a summary of mercury concentrations in fish tissue.
environment DWQ Monitoring Locations DEQ Locations and descriptions of Utah's water quality monitoring sites for rivers/streams, lakes/reservoirs, wells, and facilities.
environment DWQNPDES Dischargers DEQ Locations of Utah's National Pollution Elimination Discharge System (NPDES) permit holders and the waters of the state, if any, they discharge to. Data provided by the EPA and the Utah Division of Water Quality.
environment Environmental Incidents DEQ This dataset contains the incident information submitted to the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation and to after-hours duty officers, and is provided as a service to the public. Locations are based on coordinates derived from maps and GPS data.
environment EWA DEQ Locations of potential Enforceable Written Assurance sites. EWAs will generally ensure to property owners or prospective property owners that there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
environment Facility Monitoring Sites DEQ Facility discharge monitoring sites derived from the Utah Division of Water Quality monitoring database called STORET.
environment FACILITYUST DEQ Utah Facility Information for each underground storage tank (UST). This is the facility where the underground storage tanks are located - there can be multiple tanks for each facilities.
environment FUD DEQ Formerly Used Defense site locations. The Department of Defense (DoD) is responsible for environmental restoration of FUDS, these locations represent sites not contaminated areas.
environment ICBUFFERZONES DEQ Institutional Control Buffer Zones in Utah.
environment Lake Monitoring DEQ Lakes monitored for water quality by the Division of Water Quality.
environment Lake Monitor Sites DEQ Lake water quality monitoring sites based on the generation of points from latitude, longitude coordinates furnished by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality (DWQ).
environment MMRP DEQ Locations of Military Munitions Response Program sites. MMRP manages the environmental, health and safety issues presented by unexploded ordnances (UXO), discarded military munitions (DMM) and munitions constituents (MC).
environment NPL DEQ Locations of Utah National Priorities List Sites. The NPL is the list of national priorities among the known releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants throughout the United States.
environment SITEREM DEQ Potential EPA Superfund sites
environment Stream Monitor Sites DEQ Stream water quality monitoring sites in Utah.
environment TIER 2 DEQ Locations of Tier II facilities under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).
environment TRI DEQ TRI EPA database containing data on disposal or release of toxic chemicals
environment UIC Facility DEQ This dataset represents facilities that have one or more wells regulated by the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program in the Division of Water Quality.
environment UIC Well DEQ UIC-regulated facilities and wells
environment UPDES Sites DEQ UPDES permitted water discharge facilities
environment VCP DEQ Voluntary Release Cleanup Program (VCP) sites
farming Grazing Allotments FSA Grazing allotment boundaries, produced by the Farm Service Agency One time project.
farming Grazing Improvement Regions DAF Grazing Improvement Program boundaries
geoscience Alluvial Fans Field Photos Utah Division of Emergency Management NOTE: This dataset is an older dataset that we have removed from the SGID and 'shelved' in ArcGIS Online. There may (or may not) be a newer vintage of this dataset in the SGID. This data represents active alluvial fans in Utah as identified by several datasets and observed through field investigationsLast update 2017
geoscience Aquifer Basin Fill Boundary UGS Approximate boundary of basin fill in ground-water recharge and discharge areas.
geoscience Aquifer Recharge Discharge Areas UGS Ground-water recharge and discharge areas.
geoscience Avalanche Paths UDOT/UGRC Snow avalanche paths in the tri-canyon area of the Wasatch Front
geoscience Debris Flow Wasatch Front UGS Debris-flow hazard for the Wasatch Front
geoscience Debris Flow Wasatch Study Boundary UGS Debris-flow hazard study boundaries for the Wasatch Front
geoscience Earthquake Epicenters 1850 To 2016 UGS Utah earthquake epicenters recorded from 1850 to 2016
geoscience Earthquake Epicenters Mining Induced 1928 To 2016 UGS Mining induced earthquake epicenters recorded from 1928 to 2016
geoscience Engineering Problems Point UGS Engineering geologic problem sites depicted as points
geoscience Engineering Problems Poly UGS Engineering geologic problem sites depicted as polygons
geoscience Epicenters Modern UGS Locations of earthquake epicenters in Utah
geoscience Geochronology UGS Various geologic dating methods, sites, and project areas in Utah.
geoscience Geologic Contacts UGS Geologic contacts
geoscience Geologic Dikes UGS Geologic dikes
geoscience Geologic Formations Line UGS Geologic formations
geoscience Geologic Markers UGS Geologic markers
geoscience Geologic Veins UGS Geologic veins
geoscience Landslide Compilation Debris Flow Paths UGS Landslide Compilation Debris Flow Path feature class represents debris-flow paths throughout Utah.
geoscience Landslide Compilation Polygons UGS Compiled landslide deposits of Utah.
geoscience Landslide Compilation Scarps UGS Compiled landslide scarps of Utah.
geoscience Landslide Inventory Mapped Areas UGS Area boundaries of inventoried and mapped landslides.
geoscience Landslide Inventory Polygons UGS Inventoried and mapped landslides.
geoscience Liquefaction Potential UGS Liquefaction potential
geoscience Mineral Deposits 1988 UGS Mineral deposits 1989
geoscience Mineral Locations CRIB UGS Mineral locations CRIB
geoscience Minerals UGS Mineral resources
geoscience Oil Gas Deposits 1988 UGS Oil & gas deposits 1988
geoscience Oil Shale Deposits 1988 UGS Oil shale deposits 1988
geoscience Phosphate Deposits 1988 UGS Phosphate deposits 1988
geoscience Physiographic Subdivisions UGS Physiographic subdivisions of Utah as defined by W.L. Stokes on his 1977 map
geoscience Potash Deposits 1988 UGS Potash deposits 1988
geoscience Potential Liquefaction Wasatch Front UGS Liquefaction Potential Wasatch Front
geoscience Potential Liquefaction Wasatch Study Boundary UGS Liquefaction Potential Wasatch Study Boundary
geoscience Quaternary Faults UGS Quaternary faults
geoscience Quaternary Volcanic Flow UGS Quaternary volcanic flows
geoscience Quaternary Volcanic Vents UGS Quaternary volcanic vents
geoscience Radiocarbon UGS Ages and related dating information of sampled geologic material (soil and rock) using radiocarbon (14C) dating methods
geoscience Shallow Ground Water UGS Shallow ground water depth
geoscience Soils UGS or Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil types
geoscience Units Moab San Rafael UGS Geologic units
geoscience Units Nephi UGS Geologic units
geoscience Units Price UGS Geologic units
geoscience Volcanic Cones UGS Volcanic cones
health Emergency Medical Services Emergency medical services
health EMS Facilities Point locations created for use by public safety and other agencies that need to know the location of emergency medical response units for effective planning and dispatch.
health Health Care Facilities Health care facilities
health Health Districts Health care districts
health Health Districts 2015 Health care districts 2015
health Health Small Statistical Areas 2008 Health small statistical areas 2008
health Health Small Statistical Areas 2009 Health small statistical areas 2009
health Health Small Statistical Areas 2012 Health small statistical areas 2012
health Health Small Statistical Areas 2014 Health small statistical areas 2014
health Health Small Statistical Areas 2017 Health small statistical areas 2017
health Health Small Statistical Areas 2018 UGRC / Dept of Health Health small statistical areas 2018
health Health Small Statistical Areas 2020 UGRC / Dept of Health Health small statistical areas 2020
health Small Areas Obesity And Activity UGRC / Dept of Health Small areas showing the percent of population getting the recommended amount of activity and the percent obese
history Daughters Of Utah Pioneers Satellite Museums UTSHPO Point locations for Daughters of Utah Pioneers satellite museums. Digitized March 2016. Locations were determined by a combination of geocoding street addresses and referencing NAIP 2014 aerial imagery and Google Street View. Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy: GPS = geocode or aerial imagery placement; Asserted = could not locate exact building location, placed at approximate street address
history Ghost Towns UTSHPO Ghost towns are uninhabitated or nearly abandoned places. The industry or driving force of the location that once brought residents has subsided or vanished, leaving abandoned buildings subject to the forces of nature and time. In other instances a town can cease because of natural disasters such as flood or drought.
history Historic Districts Historic districts
history Historic Trails Historic trails
history Monuments And Markers UGRC / UDSH Historic monuments and marker locations in Utah
history National Historic Landmarks UTSHPO Properties in Utah that are recognized by the U.S. Gov't as National Historic Landmarks for their outstanding historical significance. A National Historic Landmark can be a building, district, object, site or structure.
history Pony Express Pony express
indices Aerial Photography Extents UGRC Aerial photography coverage
indices Auto Correlated DEM Extents UGRC AutoCorrelated digital elevation model coverage
indices Contour Line Extents UGRC Contour line coverage
indices Google Utah Service Dates UGRC Boundaries and dates of the imagery blocks in the Google imagery service.
indices Hexagon Service Dates UGRC Flight dates for the Hexagon Imagery.
indices Lidar Extents UGRC Lidar elevation data coverage
indices National Grid UGRC Tile index
indices USGS 100 K Quads Tile index
indices USGS 24 K Quads Tile index
indices USGS 24 K Quarter Quads Tile index
indices USGS 250 K Quads 1 X 1 Tile index
indices USGS 250 K Quads 1 X 2 Tile index
location Address Points UGRC Address points
location Address System Quadrants UGRC Address system quadrants
location Buildings Building footprints
location Carto SITLA Admin Names Multi
location Carto SITLA Cities
location Carto SITLA Hydrology 600 K
location Cities Towns Locations UGRC Points representing municipalities, county seats, populated areas, and major junctions for general reference and cartographic purposes.
location Hexagon Grid 1 Km UGRC Quarter square mile hexagons useful for generalizing data.
location LUCA Block Address Counts 2017 Census Master Address File (MAF) address count compared to state compiled address point (SGID10.LOCATION.AddressPoints) count by census block.
location Place Names GNIS 2010 USGS Geographic Names Information Systems (2010)
location Place Names GNIS 2019 USGS Geographic Names Information Systems (2019)
location Zip Code PO Boxes Approximate locations of USPS Post Offices
location Zip Plus 4 Lines USTC This dataset estimates the approximate boundaries (points) of Zip +4 geographic extents for Utah.
location Zip Plus 4 Points USTC
location Zoom Locations Zoom locations
planning Conservation Easements National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) Conservation easements
planning GSENM Spec Man Area Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument Special Management Area
planning GSENM Spec Rec Man Area Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument Special Recreation Areas
planning NCA Prop San Juan Co 1995 proposal by San Juan County for National Conservation Areas
planning Primitive Prop Emery Co Areas proposed by Emery County, Utah for designation as Primitive Areas
planning Public Lands Initiative HR 5780 Areas BLM 2016 BLM Proposed areas described in the January 2016 Public Lands Initiative (PLI) preliminary proposal for Utah and referenced by HR 5780.
planning Public Lands Initiative HR 5780 Lines BLM 2016 BLM Proposed linear features (roads, rivers, etc) described in the January 2016 Public Lands Initiative (PLI) preliminary proposal for Utah and referenced by HR 5780.
planning Semi Primitive Prop Emery Co areas proposed by Emery County, Utah for designation as Semi-Primitive Areas
planning Urban Interface Areas 1999 Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas
planning Utah PLI Areas Proposal Jan 16 Proposed areas referenced in a January 2016 Public Lands Initiative preliminary proposal for Utah. This version has since been superseded.
planning Utah PLI Lines Proposal Jan 16 Proposed linear features (roads, rivers, etc) referenced in the January 2016 Public Lands Initiative preliminary proposal for Utah. This version has since been superseded.
planning UWC 2008 Cherry Stem Roads 2008 cherry stem roads
planning Water Related Land Use Division of Water Resources Water related land use
planning Wilderness Prop BLM BLM wilderness proposal
planning Wilderness Prop HR 1500 HR1500 wilderness proposal (1991)
planning Wilderness Prop HR 1745 HR1745 wilderness proposal (1995)
planning Wilderness Prop Nine Co 1995 Nine county wilderness proposal (1995)
planning Wilderness Prop Red Rock Red Rock wilderness proposal
planning Wilderness Prop UWA 1995 Utah Wilderness Association (UWA) proposal (1995)
planning Wilderness Prop UWC 1989 Utah Wilderness Coalition (UWC) proposal (1989)
planning Wilderness Prop UWC 1995 Utah Wilderness Coalition (UWC) proposal (1995)
planning Wilderness Prop UWC 2008 Utah Wilderness Coalition (UWC) proposal (2008)
planning Wilderness Prop Washington Co Washington County wilderness proposal (2006)
planning Wilderness Prop W Desert 1999 West Desert wilderness proposal (1999)
political District Combination Areas 2012
political Judicial Districts Unique geographic areas created by the intersection of all of the state-level political districts (2012)
political Officials Lookup Officials lookup
political SB 3005 Adjustment Areas SB3005 district boundary adjustment areas (2012)
political Unique House Senate 2002 Unique House and Senate district boundaries (2002)
political US Congress Districts 2002 US Congressional district boundaries (2002)
political US Congress Districts 2012 US Congressional district boundaries (2012)
political US Congress Districts 2022 To 2032 created by Utah Legislature US Congress Districts boundaries for 2022 to 2032
political Utah House Districts 2002 US House districts boundaries(2002)
political Utah House Districts 2012 US House districts boundaries(2012)
political Utah House Districts 2022 To 2032 created by Utah Legislature Utah House Districts boundaries 2022 to 2032
political Utah School Board Districts 2012 Utah School Board districts boundaries (2012)
political Utah School Board Districts 2015 DELETING
political Utah School Board Districts 2022 To 2032 created by Utah Legislature Utah School Board Districts boundaries 2022 to 2032
political Utah Senate Districts 2002 Utah Senate districts (2012)
political Utah Senate Districts 2012 Utah Senate districts (2002)
political Utah Senate Districts 2022 To 2032 created by Utah Legislature Utah Senate Districts boundaries 2022 to 2032
political Vista Ballot Areas VISTA precinct ballot area boundaries
political Vista Ballot Areas Archive 2011 VISTA precinct ballot area boundaries (2011 archive)
raster DEM 10 METER 10 Meter digital elevation model
recreation Boat Ramps DNR Boat ramp locations
recreation Golf Courses Golf course locations
recreation Parks Local UGRC Local park locations
recreation Ski Area Boundaries UGRC Utah ski area boundaries
recreation Ski Area Locations Utah ski area locations.
recreation Ski Lifts UGRC Utah ski lifts
recreation Ski Trails XC UGRC Established cross country ski trails within in the State of Utah.
recreation Trailheads Trailheads and trail access points.
recreation Trails And Pathways UGRC Polylines representing Utah's trails and pathways. This layer is used for both recreation and transportion purposes.
recreation Urban Trails Urban trails
society BLM Field Offices BLM field office locations
society Cemeteries Cemetery locations
society Cemeteries Poly Cemetery locations as polygons
society Cemetery Survey Inventory of private and public cemeteries
society Correctional Facilities Correctional facilities
society Courts City UGRC City court jurisdiction boundaries
society Courts County UGRC County court jurisdictions boundaries
society Fire Stations Fire station locations
society Forest Service Stations Forest service station locations
society Law Enforcement Police and other law enforcement stations
society Law Enforcement Boundaries UGRC State law enforcement jurisdiction boundaries.
society Liquor Stores Liquor store locations AKA Rick's happy places
society Open Source Places OpenStreetMap and UGRC Point representation of places of interest in Utah that have been derived from OpenStreetMap (OSM)
society Places Of Worship Places of worship
society Post Offices Post office locations
society PSAP Boundaries PSAP 911 Communication Center boundaries
society PSAP Locations PSAP locations
society Public Libraries Utah State Library Division Public libraries, branches, and bookmobile locations of Utah. Additional information about libraries and the services provided by the Utah State Library Division can be found at
society Public Service Facilities 1989 Public service facilities ca. 1989
society Schools Higher Education UGRC Locations of public and private colleges and universities, technical colleges, and other higher education institutions.
society Schools Pre Kto 12 UGRC/USBE This dataset contains point locations for preschool and K-12 schools in the state of Utah - updated for the 2019-2020 school year. Higher education and adult vocational training are not included in the dataset. Provided by the Utah State Board of Education.
society Shopping Malls Shopping malls
society SHPO Cemeteries UTSHPO Cemetery location point data from Utah Division of State History. Search by cemetery name, city, county or by status (active, abandoned, inactive or unknown).
society State Agency Dispatch UGRC This data shows the areas of responsibility for the State Department of Public Communications Centers for dispatching State agencies, such as Highway Patrol, Wildlife Resources, Corrections, Park Ranges etc.
society State Court Districts UGRC State court jurisdiction.
society State Facilities State facilities
society State Fuel Sites DAS - Fleet Operations State fuel sites.
society UDOT Map City Locations UDOTโ€™s mapโ€™s cities.
society UDOT Map Interest Points UDOTโ€™s mapโ€™s places of interest.
society UDOT Map State Parks UDOTโ€™s mapโ€™s state parks locations.
society UHP Dispatch UGRC Areas in which 911 dispatch center dispatches Utah Highway Patrol, and other state agencies.
society UHP Field Sections Utah Highway Patrol (UHP) Field Sections.
transportation AADT UDOT Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) on road sections of the State Highways or Local Federal-Aid roads
transportation Airport Locations Airport locations
transportation Airports The Public Use Airports database is a geographic linear database of aircraft landing facilities in the State of Utah.
transportation Airports GNIS Airport locations derived from GNIS
transportation ATR Locations UDOT UDOT has automatic traffic recorder (ATR) stations located throughout the state. These stations are placed on various types of highway systems
transportation Barriers UDOT This dataset contains barriers located along Utah state highways. Descriptive information includes barrier type, height, offset from roadway, post type, and end treatment types. Location information includes x,y and route & milepost.
transportation Bike Lanes UDOT Bike Lane locations along state routes. This file indicates where a bike lane with paint striping is present only
transportation Cattle Guard Inventory UDOT Cattle guard inventory data comes from the Operations Management System (OMS)
transportation Commuter Rail Routes UTA UTA Utah Transit Authority's commuter rail line (FrontRunner) north and south segments.
transportation Commuter Rail Stations UTA UTA Locations of Utah Transit Authority's FrontRunner North and South commuter rail stations.
transportation EPM Projects UDOT Project data from ePM (Electronic Project Management). This service contains point, line and polygon layers for UDOT's roadway projects stored in ePM.
transportation Facility Inventory UDOT Facilities inventory from the Operations Management System (OMS). Facility types include: brake check areas, road-closed gates, material storage locations, offices, port of entries, rest areas, runaway truck lanes, view areas, and welcome centers.
transportation Heliports Public Use Airports database is a geographic point database of heliport landing facilities in the State of Utah.
transportation Intersections UDOT Intersection dataset contains location information of any cross street location to a state route. At state route to state route intersections both routes are identified
transportation Islands UDOT Dataset contains median locations along state routes. Descriptive information includes median type, width, traffic island presence and protection presence. Width value of 999 generally indicates large median greater than 300ft
transportation Lanes UDOT This dataset contains lane counts for Utah state highways. Descriptive information includes lanes by type( Aux, Through, Decel, Accel, Turn, Passing) and count of each type lane. Information also includes location information including x,y and route & milepost.
transportation Light Rail UTA UTA Location of UTA's light rail system.
transportation Light Rail Stations UTA UTA Locations of UTA's light rail stations.
transportation LRS Mileposts UDOT This dataset approximates the location of mileposts along state routes in Utah. It was created by deriving a location from a polylineM route feature class that was calibrated at route endpoints and at intermediate points. The goal for positional accuracy with this data set is 50 feet.
transportation Medians UDOT Dataset contains median locations along state routes. Descriptive information includes median type, width, traffic island presence and protection presence. Width value of 999 generally indicates large median greater than 300ft. Location information is generally accurate to within 5ft
transportation Multimodal Network Dataset UGRC ESRI street network dataset optimized for multimodal transportation (bike, auto, transit, and pedestrian), used for network analysis such as drive times, routes, service areas, and travel sheds.
transportation OMS Shoulders Inventory UDOT Shoulder Inventory from the Operations Management System (OMS). Data quality and collection method are unknown.
transportation Pavement Messages UDOT Pavement messages data consists of message location, content and type.
transportation Pavement Striping UDOT This dataset contains pavement striping located along Utah state highways. Descriptive information includes paint color, pattern, and linear feet. Location information includes x,y and route & milepost.
transportation Ports Of Entry UDOT Port of Entry locations.
transportation Power Pedestals UDOT Power Pedestal data consists of location only. Location information includes x,y and mile post. Location information is generally accurate to within 5ft.
transportation Project Wise EPM UDOT These layers provide access to ProjectWise data by Electronic Program Management (ePM) Project.
transportation Railroads UGRC Railroads data including transit rail
transportation Roads UGRC Utah street centerline data for address location, cartography, routing
transportation Roads Freeway Exits Location of exit numbers, view areas, and rest areas.
transportation Roads Shield Lines Highway route lines edited to best enable non-redundant, dynamic label rendering of highway shields for freeways, US highways, and state highways.
transportation Roads TIGER 2000 Extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census MAF/TIGER database.
transportation Roads TIGER 2009 Extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census MAF/TIGER database.
transportation Rumble Strips UDOT This dataset contains rumble strips located along Utah state highways. Descriptive information includes lane type, pavement type, and paint striping attributes (color, style, width). Location information includes x,y and route & milepost.
transportation Shoulders UDOT This dataset contains information about shoulder location and type. Descriptive information includes location; x&y, route and mile post, location (center,left,right). Also includes width and edge type. The width has been rounded to the nearest whole foot for end use purposes.
transportation Signal Cabinets UDOT This dataset contains signal cabinets located along Utah state highways. Location information includes x,y and route & milepost. Elevation in meters is included.
transportation Signal Poles UDOT This dataset contains signal poles located along Utah state highways. Descriptive information includes mast arm type, signal type count, and the associated intersection's unique ID. Also included is location information including x,y and route & milepost.
transportation Sign Assemblies UDOT This dataset contains sign assemblies located along Utah state highways. Descriptive information includes support type, offset, and sign count. Also included is location information including x,y and route & milepost.
transportation Sign Face UDOT Sign face data includes the standard MUTCD or UDOT sign designation color and description, sign condition (good, fair, poor), and sign orientation (north, southwest, etc.).
transportation SMS Safety Index UDOT The Safety Index offers a statewide comparison of UDOT roadways, taking into account the different traffic patterns and volumes experienced in urban and rural areas. The Safety Index is a combination of four, equally weighted safety analysis sub-scores. The Safety Index is reported on a 0 to 10 scale, with 10 representing the worst conditions
transportation SMS Severe Crashes Per Mile UDOT The Severe Crashes per Mile Score indicates which road segments have the highest number of total severe crashes per mile per year (2011-2013). Severe crashes are crashes that result in a fatality or an incapacitating injury. Severe Crashes per Mile Scores are reported on a 0 to 5 scale with 5 representing the road segments with the most severe crashes per mile per year (weighted by roadway center line miles).
transportation State Boundary Snap Points UGRC Point locations where a road crosses the Utah state boundary.
transportation Station Information Boundary UDOT The station location and station boundary
transportation Street Network Dataset UGRC ESRI street network dataset used for network analysis such as drive times, routes, and service areas
transportation Surface Area Miles UDOT This map service contains pavement surface areas for 2012 and 2014. The data covers all state roads in Utah and is segmented into tenth-mile sections.
transportation UDOT Map Scenic Byways Utah Scenic Byways on the UDOT County Maps, scale 1:126720
transportation UDOT Mileposts UDOT Locations of Utah state and federal route mileposts
transportation UDOT Routes ALRS UDOT GIS representation of the UDOT Advanced Linear Refernece System.
transportation UDOT Tenth Mile Ref Points UDOT Approximate location of milepost information every tenth of a mile along state routes in Utah.
transportation UTA Routes And Ridership UTA Bus, Trax, and Frontrunner routes along the Wasatch Front
transportation UTA Stops And Ridership UTA Bus, Trax, and Frontrunner stops / boarding locations along the Wasatch Front
transportation Walls UDOT Walls dataset is an inventory of walls visible from "dashboard" level of vehicle on state route inventory. Walls below structure for example would not be included this dataset, unless another state route was being spanned by structure. Descriptive information includes location, type, side of road and average height from ground. Location information includes x,y and milepost and is generally accurate to within 5ft
utilities Broadband CA Institutions Utah community anchor institution broadband capabilities
utilities Broadband Census Blocks Historic Historic Utah broadband coverage (by census blocks) availability with transmission technology and maximum advertised speeds.
utilities Broadband Road Buffers Historic Historic Utah broadband coverage availability with transmission technology and maximum advertised speeds.
utilities Broadband Service UGRC Broadband service depicts broadband coverage over any transmission technology, including fixed and mobile services. Fixed service is typically used as a home internet connection over DSL, other copper, cable, and fiber technologies.
utilities Broadband Service Historic UGRC Historic broadband coverage data in post NTIA grant data schema.
utilities Broadband Wireless Historic Historic Utah wireless broadband coverage availability with transmission technology and maximum advertised speeds.
utilities Electrical Lines Electrical generation and distribution facilities for portions of Utah Counties.
utilities Electrical Service Electric Service provider areas throughout Utah. Data sources include the Utah Division of Public Utilities (UDPU) and Rocky Mountain Power.
utilities Natural Gas Service Approx Approximate and potential natural gas service areas.
utilities Retail Culinary Water Service Areas Water Resources Retail culinary water suppliers service area boundaries for the State of Utah. These include public community, public non-community (transient), self-supplied industry (non-transient), and non-public water suppliers.
utilities Rural Telcom Boundaries Major telephone trunk line and switching facilities. Utah telecommunication service boundaries.
utilities Rural Telcom Exchange Boundaries Exchange boundaries run by rural telecom providers in Utah.
utilities Transmission Lines Electrical generation and distribution facilities in Utah.
water Adjudication Areas Water Rights Adjudication Areas is a polygon feature class that represents General Water Rights Adjudications. The water rights adjudication process helps to bring order and certainty to the water rights record throughout the state by defining existing rights, quantifying unknown rights, and removing unused and abandoned rights from the record through judicial decree.
water Canals Water Rights In 2014 the Utah Legislature passed House Bill 370 directing the Division of Water Rights to create and maintain an inventory of all canals. Staff from the Division are currently digitizing and updating the canals feature class
water Dam Cross Sections Water Rights Polygons and polylines showing plan view of the worst case inundation flood zones predicted from hypothetical catastrophic breaching of upstream high hazard dams.
water Dam Inundation Water Rights Polygons and polylines showing plan view of the worst case inundation flood zones predicted from hypothetical catastrophic breaching of upstream high hazard dams.
water DDW Irrigated Crop Consumptive Use Zones Irrigated crop consumptive use zones for calculating drinking water source sizing.
water Duty Water Rights Duty represents a quantity of water, determined by the State Engineer, required to satisfy the irrigation water requirements in a given area; based on the irrigation requirements of alfalfa
water Floodplains Utah Dept of Public Safety - Floodplain Management Program/NFIP The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Floodplains OLD 2017 FEMA NOTE: This dataset is an older dataset that we have removed from the SGID and 'shelved' in ArcGIS Online. There may (or may not) be a newer vintage of this dataset in the SGID. The FIRM is the basis for floodplain management, mitigation, and insurance activities for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Insurance applications include enforcement of the mandatory purchase requirement of the Flood Disaster Protection Act, which "... requires the purchase of flood insurance by property owners who are being assisted by Federal programs or by Federally supervised, regulated or insured agencies or institutions in the acquisition or improvement of land facilities located or to be located in identified areas having special flood hazards," Section 2 (b) (4) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. In addition to the identification of Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs), the risk zones shown on the FIRMs are the basis for the establishment of premium rates for flood coverage offered through the NFIP.The DFIRM Database presents the flood risk information depicted on the FIRM in a digital format suitable for use in electronic mapping applications. The DFIRM database is a subset of the Digital FIS database that serves to archive the information collected during the FIS.Last Update: April, 2014
water GSL Flooding Flood Plain Management Services Study(FPMS) areas, 100-Year Flood for the Great Salt Lake.
water GSL Shoreline Geographic extent of the Great Salt Lake shoreline varying water levels.
water GSL Shoreline Flooding Flood Plain Management Services Study(FPMS) areas, 100-Year Flood for the Great Salt Lake.
water Historic Lake Bonneville Geographic extent of the Lake Bonneville shoreline.
water HUC Subset of the complete digital hydrologic unit boundary layer to the Subwatershed (12-digit) 6th level for the State of Utah.
water Inspected Dams Water Rights Point feature class representing dam locations in the State of Utah from the Dam Safety Regulatory Database at the Utah Division of Water Rights. Many of the original positions were scaled as latitude/longitude values from 1:24000 USGS Quadrangle series maps. They were later converted to UTM locations. Locations for recent additions to the database are either scaled from USGS Quadrangle maps, collected from GPS observations or converted from Public Land Survey descriptions to UTM coordinates. Non-standard attributes are located at this URL:
water Lakes Water bodies in Utah produced from DLGs and CFFs.
water Lakes NHD High Res Lakes derived from the National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD).
water NHD High Res Points All Point events derived from the National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD).
water Paragonah BFE The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Paragonah Flood Zones The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Paragonah Structures The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Points Of Diversion Water Rights The Division of Water Rights maintains a Hosted Feature Layer of all the points of diversion in the state. The data is generated daily from basic information in their tabular database. For more information on this dataset visit
water Riparian Areas UGS Riparian areas as defined by UGS
water Springs NHD High Res Springs derived from the National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD).
water Statewide FIRM Panels The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Stations Water monitoring stations.
water Stations Bio Water monitoring stations.
water Stream Alteraltion Applications Water Rights These are points showing stream alteration applications. The shapefile is generated daily from basic information in the tabular database
water Stream Gauges NHD Stream gauges derived from the National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD).
water Streams Water courses in Utah produced from DLGs and CFFs.
water Streams NHD High Res Streams derived from the National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD).
water Summit Co BFE The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Summit Co Flood Zones The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Summit Co Structures The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Utah Major Lakes Major lakes of Utah with names and unique reach identifiers that could be related with the NHD.
water Utah Major Rivers Poly Major rivers wider than 10 feet in Utah with names and unique identifies that could be related to the NHD.
water Watersheds Area Digital hydrologic unit boundary layer to the Subwatershed (12-digit) 6th level for the State of Utah.
water Weber Co Flood Zones The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Weber Co Structures The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data.
water Wetlands Utah Geological Survey Wetland areas derived from the NWI and identified by the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) using a reclassification scheme based on the hydrogeomorphic (HGM) approach.
water Wetlands Mapping Projects Utah Geological Survey Status, extent, and approximate location of current and historic wetlands mapping projects.
Watershed Restoration Initiative Treatment Areas Div of Wildlife Resources Terrestrial and aquatic/riparian treatment areas associated with Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative projects that are proposed, currently active, pending complete (done, but missing completion data), and completed.