BLM Field Stations
Forest Service Stations

BLM Field Offices & Forest Service Stations

  • Category: Society
  • Data Type: GIS Data Layer
  • Steward(s): UGRC & BLM
  • Abstract: This data package contains the locations of federal offices on BLM land and Forest Service land. The data package contains two datasets, one for the BLM and one for the Forest Service.

BLM Field Offices

Field Stations

Society.BLMFieldOffices contains locations for the Utah BLM State Office, 11 BLM Field Offices, 5 BLM Visitor Centers and 1 BLM Field Station.

The cities each office is located in are

  • Escalante Interagency Office/Visitor Center-Escalante, Utah
  • GSENM Field Office-Kanab, Utah
  • Kanab Field Office-Kanab, Utah
  • Cedar City Field Office-Cedar City, Utah
  • St. George Field Office-St. George, Utah
  • Kanab Visitor Center-Kanab, Utah
  • Cannonville Visitor Center-Cannonville, Utah
  • Utah State Office-Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Price Field Office-Price, Utah Moab Field Office-Moab, Utah
  • Monticello Field Office-Monticello, Utah
  • Salt Lake Field Office-West Valley City, Utah
  • Vernal Field Office-Vernal, Utah
  • Fillmore Field Office-Fillmore, Utah
  • Henry Mtn. Field Station-Hanksville, Utah
  • GSC-E Nat'l. Mon. Anasazi State Park GSC-E Nat'l. Mon. Big Water Visitor Center-Boulder, Utah
  • Richfield Field Office-Richfield, Utah
Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah BLM Field Offices: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah BLM Field Offices: File Geodatabase
  • Utah BLM Field Offices: Shapefile
  • June 2013
  • August 2011

Forest Service Stations

Forest Service Stations

Society.ForestServiceStations contains locations of forest facilities such as forest ranger stations and forest offices.

Related Resources

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Downloads and Web Services
  • Utah Forest Service Stations: SGID Open Data Downloads and APIs
  • Utah Forest Service Stations: File Geodatabase
  • Utah Forest Service Stations: Shapefile
  • June 2013
  • August 2011