Places of worship
Places of Worship in Utah

Places of Worship

  • Category: Society
  • Data Type: GIS Data Layer
  • Steward(s): UGRC
  • Abstract: Society.PlacesOfWorship contains locations for places of worship in Utah.

Places of Worship

The definition of a place of worship is any type of building or portion of a building that is used, constructed, designed, or adapted to be used as a place for religious and spiritual activities. This does not include religious schools or community centers, unless they meet the definition as a place of worship. Examples of facilities in this dataset are chapels, churches, convents, mosques, shrines, synagogues, and temples. The sources of this dataset are the Large Protestant Churches, Mosques, Jewish Synagogues, and Roman Catholic Churches in Large Cities dataset and additional UGRC research.

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to the staff from UGRC at or 801-538-3665.

Downloads and Web Services
  • 2011