Developer Resources


Read about applications created by UGRC developers.

Online Base Maps

UGRC's online map services are available for use at no cost, fast, accurate, and beautiful.

Geospatial Widgets

UGRC’s javascript widgets allow developers to quickly add spatial functionality to their website for no cost.

Geospatial Web Services

UGRC’s Web API allow developers to access spatial data from their applications and websites for no cost.

Developer Team Blog

Read about work done by UGRC developers.

From the Developer Blog

  • Python Shorts: The Benefits of Unit Testing

    In the realm of programming, “unit testing” is an automated way of testing small, individual “units” of your code to ensure that when given a specific set of...

  • Python Shorts: Flattening Arrow Code

    “Arrow Code” refers to a series of nested if statements that increase your indentation level at each statement, creating an arrow of whitespace when the ifs ...

  • Introducing the Official UGRC API Client

    Assigning a geographic coordinate to an address, otherwise known as geocoding, is one of the simplest ways to enable data to be visualized on a map. This mak...

  • SGID Product Relaunch Update

    In a June 2019 post “SGID Then and Now,” we touched on where we thought the SGID is going. Based on the survey responses from that article, we have changed d...

  • Using Jupyter Notebook for UGRC Collaboration

    At UGRC we greatly value collaboration and sharing ideas. A terrific technology to support these values is the Jupyter Notebook project.

  • Thoughts from Teaching Google and Amazon New Skills

    Developing software for digital assistants is fun and a refreshing change from typical GIS projects. Over the past few months, UGRC was lucky enough to spend...