Base map services hosted on are delivered via WMTS. WMTS is an OGC standard for delivering tiled map data. The Esri JavaScript API provides a class for interacting with these services, called a WebTileLayer. Using this class is as simple as passing in the URL to the WMTS service with the appropriate level, column, and row tokens. For example:

], function (Map, MapView, WebTileLayer) {
  const map = new Map();

  const layer = new WebTileLayer({


  const view = new MapView({
    container: "viewDiv",
    map: map,
    center: [-111.5, 40],
    zoom: 11

You’ll notice that the URL to the service includes a quad word that is unique to your organization and project. If you don’t have a quad word, you can find the links to register on our website. If you are planning on using your quad word in a website or a publicly accessible place, you will need to contact Jake Adams from UGRC at to receive a special quad word for licensing reasons.

There is one caveat to using discover services with WebTileLayer; it does not store metadata about the service. The piece of metadata that will affect developers the most is the cache level information. WebTileLayer’s cache levels are based on a suggested set that is common amongst popular tile providers. The suggested set uses 0 through 19. If the base map you are using deviates from these levels (most of our base maps are 0-19 but there are a few exceptions), you will be responsible for setting those values or you will not be given the UI to see the full tile set. As you can see in the sample below it takes a fair amount of work.

], function (Map, MapView, WebTileLayer, LOD, TileInfo) {
  const tilesize = 256;
  const earthCircumference = 40075016.685568;
  const inchesPerMeter = 39.37;
  const initialResolution = earthCircumference / tilesize;

  const dpi = 96;
  const maxLevel = 12;
  const squared = 2;
  const lods = [];
  for (let level = 0; level <= maxLevel; level++) {
    const resolution = initialResolution / Math.pow(squared, level);
    const scale = resolution * dpi * inchesPerMeter;
      new LOD({
        level: level,
        scale: scale,
        resolution: resolution

  const tileInfo = {
    dpi: dpi,
    size: tilesize,
    origin: {
      x: -20037508.342787,
      y: 20037508.342787
    spatialReference: {
      wkid: 3857
    lods: lods
  const map = new Map();

  const layer = new WebTileLayer({


  const view = new MapView({
    container: "viewDiv",
    map: map,
    center: [-111.5, 40],
    zoom: 11

UGRC has a widget called layer-selector that handles these issues as well as makes working with basemaps more streamlined. It’s main purpose is to provide users the ability to quickly switch between basemaps and toggle associated overlays.