Last fall, UGRC contracted with Watershed Sciences Inc. (WSI) to acquire 1,352 square miles of USGS Quality Level 1 LiDAR elevation data. The project area includes the urbanized area of Salt Lake and Utah Valleys and areas along the Wasatch Fault from Sanpete County north into Onieda County in southeastern Idaho.

As of January 2014, WSI has collected LiDAR data for 77% (1,039 of the 1,352 square miles) of the project area. While WSI was actively collecting data, the plane was grounded 45% of the time due to adverse conditions including snow, wind, fog, and inversion. The arrival of winter snow stopped the data acquisition for the year, and WSI will return to collect LiDAR data for the remaining 23% of the project area in Spring 2014. Click on the map to view the areas that have been collected and what areas remain to be collected once the snow melts.