With April just around the corner, it’s tax time again. If you don’t procrastinate and you’ve already done your taxes, you might be interested in knowing just who is getting that hard-earned money you make.

Well, we have data for that.

Newest Tax Entities and Areas for 2017

This is the final 2017 list of all incorporated bodies that have the power to levy a local property tax: school districts, cities, special service districts—even mosquito abatement districts. While these entities don’t represent exact legal boundaries, they are used by the Utah State Tax Commission, Property Tax Division, for assessing properties. The entities can overlap, but the areas represent individual polygons of intersecting entities.

Newest Sales Tax Areas for Quarter 1, 2018

Sales Tax Areas are created from municipal boundaries, metro townships, special sales tax districts, and unincorporated areas. They represent the approximate boundaries of Sales Tax Collection Areas in Utah.

Updated Transit Special Tax Areas

Transit Special Tax Areas represent areas outside of incorporated municipalities where additional sales tax is collected to support transit activities (generally buses). As cities grow and annex the unincorporated areas, the transit areas get smaller.

Available for Download

All these data layers can be downloaded from the UGRC website Sales Tax Areas and Tax Entity Areas.