This year, UGRC has devoted a significant amount of energy toward realigning our processes for maintaining a statewide road centerline layer. The desire is to best position the state to meet requirements for Next Generation 911, as well as new federal reporting requirements placed on state DOTs.

The three primary components of the realignment are:

  • updates to the existing road centerlines data model to ensure that the data content can easily meet NG911 and UDOT needs while preserving additional road attributes,
  • modifying the existing data aggregation process to add efficiencies that result in improved data quality and increased data update frequencies, and
  • exploring emerging software/platform capabilities that will allow for the statewide road centerlines layer to be edited ‘in-place’ by road and address authorities, as well as incorporate feedback from the many users of this valued data resource.

What follows are a few updates and resources related to this effort.

Data Model Update. Comments received in response to last month’s call for feedback on the proposed data model have been merged into the latest Google spreadsheet (v3.0.9) that details the attribute fields, types, and domains. And, a file geodatabase has been constructed from the spreadsheet, using a Python script, so users can experiment with the current version of the schema. If you give this a spin, please pass along any feedback you have.

Regional Road Centerline Workshops. Four regional workshops were held in June (Logan, SLC, Cedar City, and Price) with presentations (view slide deck) by UDOT and UGRC staff. The consulting firm that organized the regional workshops as part of an FHWA pooled-funds study, Data Transfer Solutions, produced this Summary Findings document which provides a good overview of the workshops and the feedback that was received.

Logan Regional Road Centerline Workshop