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Utah Geospatial Resource Center UGRC

The State Geographic Information Database

Established by State law in 1991, Utah’s State Geographic Information Database (SGID) provides a centralized collection of hundreds of GIS data layers developed, aggregated, or acquired by the State. Evolving technologies have allowed us to transform the SGID from a single database to a broad collection of data resources under the SGID umbrella. It contains both UGRC-curated datasets and references to data from a wide variety of state and local agencies. Many resources have both download links and links to web services for direct consumption.

There are many pieces, or facets, to the SGID today, with each one addressing specific audiences or technologies. The SGID Index combines all of these along with links to externally-hosted resources to make it easy to find the latest and highest quality GIS data resources no matter where they're hosted.

Click or scroll to read more about each facet of the SGID:

UGRC and our numerous partners at cities, counties, and state agencies are working hard to maintain this high-quality asset to help everyone discover, access, and use Utah GIS data resources.

SGID Index

The SGID Index is the master source of information about SGID datasets. It includes links to detailed information pages about UGRC-maintained datasets as well as direct links to the authoritative sources for datasets served by other state agencies. The index lists the resource's category, name, and primary data steward, along with a short description of the resource and links to web services (if available).

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The Open SGID is a publicly available database containing our curated collection of GIS datasets. You can use this vendor-neutral database connection to directly access Utah spatial data in a wide variety of applications, including most GIS programs and common database clients. You can find the most up-to-date information about the Open SGID, including troubleshooting tips and an issue tracker, in the Open SGID GitHub repository. Please read, understand, and abide by the terms of use prior to connecting.

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ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Services

UGRC uploads all the curated datasets to ArcGIS Online as hosted feature services. You can access them via their service URLs or directly in Esri products. The name of every SGID item in ArcGIS Online will start with "Utah" (i.e., "Utah Roads") and have an UGRC-branded thumbnail. They are also shared with a Utah SGID group that matches their category.

The UGRC ArcGIS Online organization also acts as the repository for "shelved" and "static" curated SGID datasets. These types of datasets are only available in ArcGIS Online as specified in our SGID Database Policy.

Browse ArcGIS Online

SGID Open Data Site

The SGID Open Data site is a single destination for GIS resources hosted in multiple ArcGIS Online organizations and ArcGIS Enterprise Portals. Each item in Open Data contains data download links along with web service links for consuming the datasets in webmaps and other applications. We share all our curated datasets through the site and encourage other agencies and organizations to share their datasets here as well to help us spread GIS data to the widest possible audience.

Browse Open Data

The Raster Discovery App

The Raster Discovery App at allows users to search all of UGRC's raster datasets, including publicly-available imagery, elevation, lidar, and scanned maps. We have tiled many of these datasets to provide better access to individual areas, and the app allows you to search for and download only the tiles that cover your area of interest.

Search Raster Data

Discover Basemap and Imagery Services

Sometimes you just need background imagery or a reference map to sit beneath your data layers. Discover serves up several raster products, including our aerial imagery products and the high-quality, Utah-specific basemaps created by UGRC's cartographers, as WMS image and WMTS tiled image services that anyone can use in a wide variety of desktop and web applications.

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The UGRC Web API provides developers access to all the curated SGID datasets and to our Utah-centric geocoder through simple HTTP requests. This service allows you to leverage GIS without complicated or costly software. We use this API to build features for apps like the Legislative district finder and the Watershed Restoration Initiative map. Visit the getting started guide for more information on how to use this free service.

Explore the Web API