Bike Utah is looking for the help of GIS experts throughout the state to track all family-friendly (criteria explained below) bike paths, lanes, and trails completed since May 2017 as part of the 1,000 Miles Campaign.

About the 1,000 Miles Campaign

The 1,000 Miles Campaign is part of Governor Herbert’s Life Elevated 2020 plan and aims to “develop 1,000 miles of family-friendly trails and bike paths over the next 10 years in order to provide and promote active connections to school, work, and outdoor recreation in urban and rural communities throughout the state.” Bike Utah is honored to be the nonprofit partner designated to carry out the implementation of the campaign. (Check out Governor Herbert’s campaign designation letter for more details.)

So, what counts as “family friendly”?

  • Mountain bike and hiking trails. Trails of various difficulties are allowed as long as signage is posted on each trail indicating the trail’s level of difficulty.
  • Paved bike and multiuse trails. Both on-street bike infrastructure and off-street paths can be counted as long as they fit into one of the three categories shown below:

Trail Types

How to Get Involved

We are looking for shapefiles or maps with comprehensive descriptions, including your name; the project name, location, and estimated distance; and a short description of the type of infrastructure. Please send all submissions to Chris Wiltsie from Bike Utah at As soon as we verify the information you provide, we will put it all in this google doc where it will be shared with the governor’s office and the public. As the campaign progresses, a story map will also be created for displaying this data.

Tracking progress of these projects is just one of our responsibilities. We can also provide strategic planning, technical assistance, and connections to financial resources, so communities can begin or continue developing bicycling in their areas.

We want to help you and your community build family-friendly bicycle infrastructure! If you would like help improving the bicycle infrastructure in your community or have other questions, please contact Chris Wiltsie from Bike Utah at