The Utah Reference Network Global Positioning System (TURN GPS) provides real-time high precision centimeter positioning. Some reference stations within the network move slightly over time due to earth crustal displacement and the positions must be updated periodically to maintain accuracy.

Station Map

The coordinates of 7 GPS stations will be updated on April 1st because they have exceeded the 2.5 cm variance limit. The new positions were determined using 24 hour files from January 1, 2020 and processed using OPUS Projects holding 21 published CORS station constrained.

The coordinates will be updated after hours on Tuesday March 31st and the system will be operating with the new coordinates starting first thing on Wednesday morning April 1st.

If you have a project tied to any of these stations please recollect positions on all project control and re-calibrate using your existing project coordinates.

  1. CNC1 - Mesa County Colorado
  2. COCO - Cortez Colorado
  3. P016 - UNAVCO - Vernon
  4. UTBE - Beryl Junction
  5. UTLN - Logan
  6. UTP2 - Price
  7. UTRC - Randolf

To view these stations on a map and get additional information you can view the following twitter posts:

We will continue to provide updates and information via twitter, so please follow the above account and share this information with others.