UGRC recently completed updates to the SGID Roads feature class. Please visit our Roads and Highway System data page where you will find information about the Roads data model, as well as direct download links to the SGID Roads data in shapefile and geodatabase format.

These road updates are also reflected in UGRC’s address locators and the Utah Next-Generation 911 GIS Database.

The following are highlights from this month’s update.

County Updates

New roads were added and road names and address ranges were updated for the following counties:

  • Cache County: Obtained roads data on 11/16/2020. Previous update was on 09/04/2020.
  • Davis County: Obtained roads data on 11/20/2020. Previous update was on 11/06/2020.
  • Kane County: Obtained roads data on 11/13/2020. Previous update was on 02/28/2020.
  • Rich County: Obtained roads data on 11/16/2020. Previous update was on 12/23/2019.
  • Salt Lake County: Obtained roads data on 11/16/2020. Previous update was on 11/06/2020.
  • Summit County: Obtained roads data on 11/06/2020. Previous update was on 06/24/2020.
  • Utah County: Obtained roads data on 11/16/2020. Previous update was on 11/06/2020.
  • Washington County: Obtained roads data on 11/16/2020. Previous update was on 11/06/2020.
  • Weber County: Obtained roads data on 11/20/2020. Previous update was on 11/06/2020.

Data was requested but not received for the following counties:

  • Morgan County

UDOT Route System